Efficinency in life means that whenever you ask a question, you ask because you wish to know: you care about the answer. I offer thanks to all who realise this, and provide a truthful, complete answer. How are you?
Stil lslightly clogged up, and now unemplayed: But Financially stable, finding things to do, confidence levels are stable, and things progress on all fronts. Still prone to boredom.
Ask me on a normal day and I'll say very busy and a bit stressed but overall ok. Ask me two days ago through today and I'll say very grumpy for no apparent reason.
This is something I think about rather often. If you don't know your current position relative to the rest of the universe how can you possibly plot a course to your target destination? Sense of self is constantly shifting in response to the constant streaming input of existing. Also, I'm a narcissist. So I like to think about myself and giggle about little things that have happened thus far
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Re developing procedures of optimum workplace level human interactions. Investigating masks and underlying nihil. Reading about hellenic adversary and duality concept-spawns. And people shake their fists and say 'damn romans'...
Working, as of monday. New job. Promising. Applied for uni. Lovelorn - cycle saga continues, new shape, additional actors and actresses in this set. Makes for something exciting. Triangles and Rhomboids anyone? Heh
What happened to calling ET? Wondered when that phone was going to buzz from the land of strong winds, grey mists and plentiful cliffs.
Comments 6
Working, as of monday. New job. Promising. Applied for uni. Lovelorn - cycle saga continues, new shape, additional actors and actresses in this set. Makes for something exciting. Triangles and Rhomboids anyone? Heh
What happened to calling ET? Wondered when that phone was going to buzz from the land of strong winds, grey mists and plentiful cliffs.
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