vegetable picked.. waiting for company to arrive to cook for them.. i think they are enjoying the day... guess.. i'll put the food in the fridge and read a book.
Sometime Jennifer Noxon's voice is the only sound to make me feel all the broken pieces of my self around me. I don't think I get closer to bringing the pieces together - but I can smell the air.
What does it mean to take a stand?
And how can one ever wash away one's shame... or feel literate. Or touch freedom?
I do not want this account deleted.. It has history of journals... and is attached to an active email address.. so even though I am not using it now.. eep.
I have not looked at Live Journal in 9 months- I got addicted to Ceramic Daily - pottery ideas... and faceboo. Live journal never took as much of my time.. and seemed to give me more solid support to get pottery projects done.. and other goals I had set.
Ah I am a media junky - but mostly for books my children chuck at me - Emmet's University blog... and other family blogs - nephews. Not exactly social networking... more like the fly on the wall.
The smell of spring rain in the air. I am waiting for the green leaves to unfold. The lilacs have begun....I know it will all arrive so fast - and i'll forget what bare trees look like, until they start to tun in the fall.