I don't even know what to lock/filter and what to not bother with since it's all a mish-mash. So here this may be, as Kassie once said, Mona: "TMI UNDER THE CUT! \o/". I think later I'll make a more self-reflective post. This one is a brain-dump of the "HOMG LJ I MEEESSED U!!!!" variety.
~ I've had some medication hiccups which were TOTALLY AND UTTERLY MY FAULT since I'm a crazy person who has trouble staying on her meds, just like most crazy people I know (and I know many. Jesus). Anyway, I had to spend a tragically long time waiting to see Dr. Meds on Friday and only missed a day of the Effexor and missing the adderal today and yesterday is not an epic tragedy - it just makes me kind of checked out and tired god so tired. I've felt, more acutely, exactly this way while fully medicated and will pick up the adderall this afternoon and take it bright and shiny in the early a.m. tomorrow, blah blah. At which time I'm sure I'll flip the fuck out with crazy-anxiety-twitchiness-wild-eyed-productivity as I re-adjust to the full dose of speed running through my system again. Um. \o/?
~ I'm actually overdrawn on my bank account - the lengths of *HEADDESK* cannot be overstated. Whatever, it'll be fine, I get paid again in a week and I have a roof and food and clothes and bus fare and shit but it'll be a pain in my ass and the result of, again, my own damn fault. The worst part is, as per usual with these sorts of things, that I overdrew by a small amount that became a large amount when they started charging me overdraft fees. MOTHERFUCKERS.
~ I made another scarf! This one is for
quietdiscerning - I promised her one when she carted me to the craft store and once I actually got started for real, it went very quickly...it just took me a while to get it actually started for real. I've also more or less mastered
these. NEAT.
~ I received a package on my desk this morning from the lovely
brynwulf that will help mightily with our strangly ever-diminishing disappearing!silverware issue. *scratches head* I don't understand what's happened to our cutlery, seriously. But yay Bryn! She's so awesome you should all be jelus that she likes me.
~ My DEEPEST, DIRTIEST desire is for several large, strapping, healthy young men to come to my house...and clean it. *moans brokenly* Clean it long and hard and good until our shit SPARKLES and, and, and...YES! *whimper* Clean. Everything clean...*drifts into housekeeping!porn fantasy, making embarrassing little porn-noises*
~ My cat is completely and utterly the incarnation of a wee piece of my soul. *faceheadpalmdesk* It's really a frighteningly accurate assessment once one takes into account several of the following points:
1) She's SO ANGRY and AGRO all the time.
2) She prefers to play-fight/snark with people than to be snuggled and cuddled.
3) She's got serious "love me from over there" issues and wants to be WHERE YOU ARE and no mistake, but don't touch her! Don't touch her or pet her or reach for her or she'll move. From her spot on the couch right by your side, sometimes even pressing up against you. But don't touch her. That shit's gotta be on HER terms.
4) She BROKE INTO THE FOOD BAG since I've been trying to cut back her intake (as she's becoming sort of rolly-polly even though she's very active and plays a LOT) by only putting out a set amount of dry food per day. Jacked the closet and broke into the food bag. While I was in the room. I found her INSIDE the 20-lb bag. And she just sat there and LOOKED at me, all, "WHAT, BITCH?! QUIT BOGARTING MAH FOODZ." when I pulled her out.
5) She is so so easily amused and distracted by shiny moving things. And she thought that Nancy's brother-shaped person haz a verrah pleezing flavor but luckily he didn't seem to mind and didn't even leave with broken skin. Things are improving with my behaviorally-challenged kitty-face but I still feel like that parent with the uncontrolled child.
6) She likes to climb up on and sit atop Boy's very tall, very broad shoulders and survey her domain. If he picks her up she wiggles until she's allowed to move up there because she really, sincerely believes, in her little kitteh heart, that she is meant to be that tall. Either that or she thinks she's a parrot.
~ I keep having the SAME GODDAMNED DREAM about being in high school/college (sometimes both, college in my high school building) and running around (with bags of Important Stuff of course), being late-late-late to class, not being able to locate my locker or, if I do, my locker combination and realizing that it's finals or something and I registered for a class I have NEVER ATTENDED. Sometimes this dream comes with exciting chase scenes and video-game-like building hops, all the while remembering at intervals that I am TOTALLY MADE OF FAIL because I never dropped the course. Sometimes there are no chase scenes but instead intense montages of my furrowed brow lit by softly glowing monitor light as I try and figure out a way to drop the class this late in the term. Yes. It is so old, in fact, that my dream!brain has subtly shifted to self-castigation of the "Oh come on, you STILL haven't figured out what the shit you're doing about that class?" type. It's very special. Oh brain.
Christmas Visit
~ The aforementioned
14yo cousin and I played BattleBots with the aforementioned remote control cars and it was awesome. Same 14yo cousin is into Led Zepplin, AC/DC, and other classic rock. Yeah. *grins like a moron* AWESOME. I told him he HAD to watch Supernatural, that it was an IMPERATIVE.
~ My other aunt looked at me on the 26th, wide-eyed, and said "Can I...go to the gym? For like, an hour, hour and half? And leave the kids with you?" and I was like "OMG YES! \o/" and I thought she was gonna kiss me or give me money or something. When she came back her five year old boy was bouncing around in his stocking, potato sack-style, dancing to the Crystal Method remix of 'Magic Carpet Ride', her 8yo girl on one side of my head and the 8yo's BFF who is also my uncle's 7yo, on the other side, doing my hair. I ended up with two pigtails on the right side of my head and what I think was supposed to be a braid on the other. It was epic. EPIC. \o/ My aunt, feeling newly sane and endorphin-y, laughed her ass off and asked the kids if I was the best babysitter ever. The answer was, of course, an enthusiastic YES.
~ The 8yo girl commented thusly on Magic Carpet Ride. "He's kidnapping and taking kids!" all shocked-giggly and omg! about it. Because of the line, Why don't you come with me little girl/On a magic carpet ride. I had NO IDEA what to say and came up with something like "That would be bad. But I don't think that's what he meant. " and changed the subject. *facepalm*
~ My family talks much more shit outloud and swears a lot more now that my grandmother is gone and the only other two old people, her husband and his brother, can't hear worth a damn. LOL
~ My 21 and 14 year old female cousins are absolutely beautiful, GORGEOUS girls. I can't even hate them for getting those genetics though because I'm still the resident Smart One and proud geek as well as being The Weird Cool One Who Lives In 'The Big City'. Everyone wanted their kids to talk to me about their homework. It was gratifying. :) I know and love my role.
~ My father was in Miami so I didn't even have to deal with seeing him or getting-out-of-seeing-him at all!!! \o/ It involves a story about his boss getting a staph infection and almost dying and being in the hospital and his entire family going down there for the holidays which I have no particular reason to disbelieve other than my father's pathological inability to tell the truth even half the time but whatever. I don't even care if it's true or not because - WORKS FOR ME.
~ I had to give up my hippy-perfume-salve from the ren faire because the goo set off some kind of retarded explosives..."identifier" in Hartford. On the way back. Where they wanted my wee toiletries in a baggie and "had to" paw through my luggage because I didn't have them thus and they were very nice but I'd done everything wrong. Wrong things that were neither commented upon nor delayed me in any way when I flew out of National Airport in Washington. The airport that is, oh, literally 30 seconds or so via airplane from the Capitol and White House. Yeah. They took away my perfume in Connecticut after I'd already brought it through DC. Thanks, TSA, I feel real safe and not at all arbitrarily hassled. Good job.
~ I didn't cry once the whole trip! This is brand-new for a CT holiday visit. When I tell you that it's a new record of goodness that I'm not compelled to use the phrase Unimaginably Psychologically Torturous, I mean it. ETA: I desperately needed the one-day-of-work and then another four day weekend thing that happened upon my return because I was, and am, worn out just from being...me, but as far as the experience itself goes... As I said to
poisontaster this morning, it was pretty okay. Which is about as far as I'm willing to go with that. We also had a
nancy__whiskey and her brother-shaped person for an all-too-brief visit on Saturday wherein we watched SGA and The Office and got hideously wasted.
~ Spent a quiet new years with Boy and Bean on the couch, eating Indian food, drinking vintage champagne and watching 300, Snatch and Doctor Who while getting steadily tipsy. I feel kind of old but it was FTW nonetheless.