application: splendorocity

Apr 18, 2011 12:27

Player Information:
Name: Elle
Journal: noelleno
Method of Contact: PM
Previous characters: Cheyndulamaribannb, Lina Inverse, Captain Harlock

Character Information:
Series: Original character
Canon point: UH
Age: 19
Species: Darkov (humanoid with supernatural powers)
Appearance/PB: feller on the far right: blond hair, dark brown eyes. About 5'7".
Appearance upon arrival: A bit dusty, but no worse for wear.

Previous RP memories: N/A
Bringing someone along?:
Fexis is a spirit beast oathbound to Alex that can be summoned now and then so long as Alex has the stamina to do so. It takes the form of a mongoose most often, and can vary in size, color, and tangibility depending on Alex's strength at the time. It's a combat aide that vanishes the moment enemy blood is shed.
Character History:
The Darkov family has been in the monster/demon/supernatural threat-hunting business for generations - Alexander's being the eighth. Their earliest origins are hazy at best, something constantly under scrutiny and debate from family member to family member. Regardless of how they came to be, very little has changed in their function: Darkovs are drawn to supernatural danger and are more than capable of taking care of it. The country they reside in has all but adopted them as an unofficial guard of the people where natural defenses fail. Because of this, they are never short on funding or accolades, but their dangerous work keeps them at a distance from normal society.

Darkovs live in large family compounds, fortress-like in nature, where they live, train, and go about all the things any normal person would if they weren't engrossed in the business of tracking and killing the spooky things. They themselves are unnatural; Darkovs can manifest a weapon or tool that meshes with their personality and strengths, conjured right from under their flesh. The act of conjuring weapons is both natural and in need of a great deal of care and training, and though all members have the capacity, most women do not develop the skill very far beyond self-defense, adhering to the tradition of allowing the men to fight and the women to nurture. That has been gradually changing over the years, however.

Weapon manifestation is not cost-free: overuse of the skill causes a deterioration and rotting of the flesh at its surfacing point, as well as chronic muscle and joint pain. A minimum of two hours of rest is encouraged after heavy use, but everyone's physical mileage varies, same as any malady.

Different skills make up different teams of Darkovs, divided into units of trackers, hunters, and more specialized areas of combat as their quarry demands. Their world is full of unnatural oddities: beastlike demons immune to conventional weaponry, manipulative parasites that prey on weak minds and bodies, massive colossi that can raze towns...these things break through the weak fabric of time and space that separates the living world from what is called the Other World - a place which is considered the realm of the dead.

Darkovs fashion themselves to suit these threats, sometimes teaming up with another supernatural family called the Lumas for support and a strengthening of lineage. Inbreeding is standard, as they are officially forbidden to intermingle with normal humans, and the presence of the more healing-centric Lumas family gives opportunity to keep the family line from getting too screwy.

The ability to detect and destroy Other Worldly creatures that pass through the veil also gives them privy to well-meaning spirits and creatures that they themselves can conjure. Like the weapons, these summons are usually suited to the personality of the person, but since these are sentient beings, it's not a guarantee one will actually secure a contract of service. They are vehicles of support in combat and tracking, unique in ability as their host, relying on their physical stamina to sustain presence in the world until a job is done.

There's not much else to a Darkov's life: live, train, go forth and destroy the things harming humans. It can't stop a young one from dreaming of a different life, but the rules and traditions caging them in are hard to break. In Alexander's generation, influence of previous desertions and the growth of civilization is a hard-to-resist siren song, tugging them away from the dull rigidity of their lives.

Alexander is one of 12 children in the eighth generation at his family's compound (there are many others scattered throughout), the eldest in a family of four. He has two brothers and one sister.

As a child, Alex suffered a severe training accident that shattered his hands and wrists. He lost two fingers and all feeling on his right hand and heavy nerve damage and disfigurement on his left. Though he can still use his index finger and thumb on the left, the rest are useless and crumpled. His hands stay bound to keep them from getting injured without his notice.

To compensate for his useless hands, his combat skill and weapons became centered on his feet and legs. He can conjure chain-link flails with assorted nasty attachments hanging from them, which he whips around by the force of kicks and jumps. Because of this, Alex seldom wears shoes or foot coverings, calloused and used to the rough and rugged terrain his work takes him to.

He contracted a spirit familiar at the traditional age of 12, making an ally out of Fexis, a spirit commonly appearing as a mongoose. Their agreement stipulates that Fexis will only help Alex achieve first blood, then leave the rest to him.

Since his graduation to full-time Darkov hunter, Alex has been slotted with a cousin of similar skillsets as a fast-paced support and strike pair, best used to rush and quickly gore small to medium-sized opponents, but also capable of backing up teams taking down the giants.

Alexander is part of a duo that his home compound likes to call "Laughing Jackals." Teamed up with his cousin Regina, they are never more energetic than in the heat of combat, often laughing as they go. For Regina, it's a coping mechanism for her fear. For Alex, though...he actually enjoys the violence. He keeps his schedule very full and rigorous, oftentimes tagging along with other teams when his partner is on break.

Outside of a fight, he becomes very bored and moody until something of real interest captures his attention. He doesn't often scowl, but there is a certain light to his smile that one can catch note of his agitation or disinterest in a subject. He will not sit still if he finds there's nothing worth sticking around for.

He's seldom without a smile, moody or not, of good humor (though he's a bit perverse and dark in that), and cool under fire. Arguing bores him, more inclined to fight out his differences than talk it out. He's always polite upon first impression, groomed to treat girls with courtesy and his elders with respect, and always to be tight-lipped and unalarming around anyone not Darkov. That part gets a bit hard to follow through with, though; he likes to hear new stories and ideas, and that naturally causes him to drift to people outside his assigned circle.

His patience is very minimal, burying his frustrations and anger under smiles and laughs. He takes out his negativity and impatience through violence, hacking and slashing until he's laughing and genuinely happy again; it's hard to get him to stop when he gets going. The afterglow of a slaughter is painfully short, though, and he can be back to being bored and moody mere hours after a good fight.

He likes to tease those that are easily ruffled, but will drop the act like a rock if their reactions become to samey or uninteresting. He's always probing for something that can match the delight of a fight, but such a thing has failed to surface yet.

Though his job is very critical to humanity's survival, Alex doesn't take it that seriously. It's just a means to making himself feel good. His family does well enough with or without him; there's nothing he really feels compelled to worry about. That said, he is the first person to lash out blindly when something he decides needs protecting is under threat, and mercy is in very short supply. So far, the only somethings he's given that honor to are his siblings and his partner, moreso to the latter. He's working hard to ensure that he and Regina are paired off to marry when the time comes - nobody else keeps up with his frenzied violence, and though he's a fan of new things, he's not all that interested in the idea of being with a dull woman forever. Love, schmove - he's not very acquainted with the notion beyond familial ties.

Character Abilities: Alex conjures flails and lashes from the soles of his feet when he swings his legs/jumps/kicks. They have the capacity to do damage both physically and to any spectral body a demon/spirit may have, but only physical harm comes to humans/other non-spirit creatures. He can faintly smell demonic entities.
Possessions: The clothes on his back and a silver chain and medallion with the likeness of Fexis embossed on it.
Anything else: NOPE.

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