Monitor Duty: August 18, 2010

Aug 19, 2010 19:35

Today I Brew, Tomorrow I Bake by dragonbat2006 (DC: Dick Grayson, Lois lane) G
He's An ODD One by a_k_k_o_b_fan (Flash: Axel) Unrated
Leading Questions by cycnus39 (DC: Bruce/Clark) All slashy ages
Begin at the Beginning by xcoffeespoonx (Flash: Piper/Trickster) Unrated
Keep Your Enemies Closer by lovelyzelda (DC: Batgirl/Catwoman) PG-13
Secret Identity by lovelyzelda (DC: Batman/Catwoman) PG-13
Making a Scene by lovelyzelda (DC: Batman/Catwoman) R
Cat Teaser by lovelyzelda (DC: Batman/Catwoman) PG-13
Unusual Efforts to Succeed by pervyficgirl (DC: Stephanie, Kory) PG-13
Fatherhood by salvadore_hart (DCU: Richard Grayson, Roy Harper) PG
Easy is an Adjective by pervyficgirl (DC: Selina Kyle/Dinah Lance) PG-13
The Definition Keeps Changing by pervyficgirl (DC/Marvel: Mia Dearden/Kate Bishop) PG-13

Everything I Do: Butterflies and Morningby me_ya_ri (Batman: Jason/Tim) PG
25 Lives Dick and Bruce Never Had: Flying Solo by changing_leads (Batman: Dick/Bruce) NC-17

Made You a Cake! by batstalker (Batman: Tim, Jason) G
Black by reaperrain (Authority: Midnighter) Unrated
Fan Attack! by syn__alexander (Flash: Piper/Trickster) Unrated
RedRobin x Superboy by cris_san (DC: Tim/Kon) R
One of a Kind by suavebastard (DC: Sargon II/Zatanna) G
Look At Me by suavebastard (DC: Batman/Superman) PG
Working Late by suavebastard (DC: Batman/Superman) R
An Appreciated Omission by suavebastard (DC: Batman/Superman) PG

dcu6wordstories is up and running for all your six-word story needs!

clytemnestra created 15 Tiny Titans icons!

The Definition Keeps Changing by pervyficgirl (DC/Marvel: Mia Dearden/Kate Bishop) PG-13

A meditation on the inevitability of life, the meaninglessness of death, and what a total jerk you were about it, by Wade Wilson by rallamajoop (Cable & Deadpool: Cable, Deadpool) PG
Danny Zuko Timestamps: Interlude, 4 Years After by nike_ravus (X-Men/Criminal Minds: Emma Frost/Emily Prentiss) NC-17

Part 3 of The Hand You're Dealt by luciademedici (X-Men Evolution: Avalance, Blob, Charles Xavier, Gambit, Nightcrawler, Pyro, Quicksilver, Rogue, Scarlet Witch, Shadowcat) Unrated
Part 3 of A Splash of Color by shellystark (Iron Man: Tony/Pepper) PG
Part 1: Venom of Base Desire by manicr (Dark Avengers: Daken/Bullseye) R

"To Pinch" by cris_san (Young Avengers: Billy/Teddy) NSFW
"Sex and Sex" by cris_san (Young Avengers: Billy/Teddy) NC-17

darkfenixrising is discussing previews for Dark Wolverine!

If you have any tips/links, please comment. If your entry lacks proper headers, chances are that's why it's not in the list. Please, add proper rating, fandom, character/pairing, title and word count and let us know so we can add it!


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