simple and beautiful. powerful. moving. words like that. basically i'm warning you, you may cry. you may choke. you may lose your appetite. it's worth it, tho. beautiful stories of the recent quake rescues from China. the human survival instinct is amazing
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this morning we wake up to a light covering of ice. the sun's melted it away already but it was nice while it lasted. the best part was when the wind gusted and kicked up ice crystals. i can still see them occasionally blowing off of the shadowed sides of the houses. little whirlwinds of ice reflecting the sun's light melting into a fine mist
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a sound proof room all to myself, to scream and scream and scream until my throat is raw and rubber walls to beat and kick and basically somewhere that i can go absolutely ape shit without disturbing anyone
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i have indulged my inner geek by watching ST:TNG and sharing the joy with my daughter. yay for spaceships and streamline video. it's given me a strange craving to make up math, too... *shame* prepare for ludicrous speed!
Recent events have brought to light my serious control issues. Of course I'm sure none of that was directly caused by you, you sneaky little... Anyway, I just wanted to drop a line and say YOU SUCK... ... the moment.