Title: The Moment of Truth in Your Lies
gina84Pairing: Akame, these days apparently obligatory, at least hinted Jin/Meisa
Disclaimer: In my dreams I can own anything… otherwise they belong to each other
Rating: PG
Summary: At a late December night, Jin picks up Kazuya in front of a studio…
A/N: I just need to get this out of my system. I'm
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Comments 38
I cannot say anything right now, but I loooove you.
Let´s hug and stare into the black sky.
I kind of... don't need you to say anything... really. Despite the note about concrit, I actually don't want to hear a thing because I could start breaking down all over again .-.
*looks up to the starry sky with you*
But...dont be sad, really. This fandom is supposed to bring us joy and hide us from the real world. Besides, today is KATTUN´S concert, so smileeeeee. I hope they can enlighten your mood, at least I hope they can enlighten mine cause my bday is coming and I dont wanna be all sad xDD
Apparently, I tend to make posts at the most weird times, like midnight and later LOL
♥ I'm trying! Really. I don't want to be all emo just because of this, and really, Kame in tux on the CHAIN promo pics looks fucking great and I want to enjoy it at least from the distance since I can't be there, watching the show live *sobs* Someone, give me fancams!! Like right now!
*runs to check your birthday to come up with something less angsty*
Somehow it breaks my heart to think anyone in the world -and not only Akame- should have to go through this just to be with the person they love. That's one of the things that hooked me up to Akame and YasuBa, I guess, because true love shouldn't be judged, critized or condened for anyone in the world....
If I wouldn't have given you my heart so much time ago, even before you even knew I offered it to you- I would rip it out of my chest right now just for you... And I really hope this helped getting things a bit better for you ♥
why is it that among everything I've posted in the last couple of weeks you had to come and leave a comment only here, making me teary eye with each and every word?? *pouts*
incoherent reply is incoherent, sorry ♥ ILU
how's your drawing going? can your Wifey-chan see the result or is it top secret?
It's even worse considering I have read your other fics but only came to comment on this #ShameOnMe /shot
Sorry, sweetie!! *hugs*
I'll try to get and comment on the other fics as I should have done from the beginning, ok? ^___^
I managed to finish the drawings and got paid for it, but I didn't scan them and the only pic I took with my phone looks rather weird... I could try and do them again, as I had fun, to show you what it was about, if you want~~
Love ya ♥
just so you know, my little whining wasn't about pushing you to comment on anything, it's mostly enough for me to know you read it and enjoyed the other fics as well; it's just the fact that I was kind of emotionally unstable at the moment I wrote this one and you came here, out of the blue and just... it really made me happy and feel better, seeing you around again :))
O__o WOW you got paid for your drawings?? That's great!
I should poke to you to get a drawing from you before it gets too expensive for me to have one /shot
I love you, too, sweetheart! ♥
can't fault the writing though
(also, i just discovered that if i highlight your posts, it turns pink! thats exciting :D)
Should I say have fun with work? :)
lol my posts are magical and pink just like Kame /shot
Its a great piece like all your work. So sad too
btw, Bryan Adams - (Everything I do) I do it for you is playing right now and its really screwing with what I'm thinking about this :/
I had a good talk with a friend and that helped a lot.
A part of me is still not sure what to feel about everything but at least, I'm not breaking down anymore lol
Bryan Adams is not really helpful at times like these, right? Kind of adds more angst than is already flying around .-.
I really hope you're feeling a bit better now :) ♥
Akame is about angst, always was and i hope will. thank you so much for writing this fic in such a moment, when I really need and want to read something like this.
I just hugs you tightly and want to hope with you, that it'll be ok and we will find a way to write and to flail and to enjoy our Akame world, because other perspective is not what I want.
and the song and the scene, just everything. I think i need time to collect myself and to understand what i'm feeling right now.
Sometimes in my unicor valley is very painful to stay and it hurts. I want Akame, wamt more Akame, don't want it to finish. Love you and hugs you tightly.
Since the beginning people keep telling me that I can still write because the real persons and the Akame my head created are two different things and nothing needs to change for me, as a writer. However, I soon realized, while writing this, how impossible it is for me to let them even touch each other now D:
Even though I knew from the start that Akame is mostly about angst, it always felt more like an angst the writers put into the story.. right now, the angst is fucking real :|
I just hate how stuck and helpless I am now and I'm sorry for everybody who has to bear with me these days m(_ _)m
I usually do not vent it too much when I get into such state of mind, but atm, along with some rl shit around me, it's just too much and I could explode if everything stayed in, bottling up .-.
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