Title: The Moment of Truth in Your Lies
gina84Pairing: Akame, these days apparently obligatory, at least hinted Jin/Meisa
Disclaimer: In my dreams I can own anything… otherwise they belong to each other
Rating: PG
Summary: At a late December night, Jin picks up Kazuya in front of a studio…
A/N: I just need to get this out of my system. I'm
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Comments 38
Kame holds me here no matter what.
Jin made it a bit tough now, however, for me, the priorities have always been as the following: 1) Kame, 2) Akame... 3) the rest of everything.
I just need to get over this stuff and find strenght.
Honestly, I'm still not really comfortable with the situation and the fact that I should keep writing about Jin being a married man.
I've heard about people leaving. However, many of these were talking about leaving for a while already and this incident only gave them the final push.
and i love your priorities honey ♥
i dont feel any different reading fancic though jin's already married. i guess after the shocking stage over, i realized that akame will never leave my heart. it doesnt matter even if they remain as my imagination only :)
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