My sister's coming down next weekend, Her and her boyfriend Kory. Im pretty excited about that. I didn't really get to hang out with her much when I was home because she flew off to Europe.... Should be a good week
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I've been reading everyone's livejournal entries the last couple of days trying to catch up with everyone...I've missed way to much...Sooo outta the loop! lol
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Last night, went to Prism with Shannon...I'm pretty sure that my grama was there, I can't believe how many old people were there on a friday night..And to boot I got hit on by 3 guys...Like seriously, Aren't you gay
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If my Boyfriend would ever get off the phone with Jordan, I get to eat pancakes...The deal was I do the dishes and he makes pancakes..looks like the dishes are done and Im still hungry...Stupid boys
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Okay so it's been like a million years since I've done anything on this thing...But oh well! I suck at journal's who the fuck K Jordan, you can read all my boring shit and I will read Enjoy! Cass xox
Sometimes I really think people don't get me and that's Okay! I'm comfortable being me and everything that I'm about. I don't get upset if people think I'm a bitch because let's be realistic, I am. I don't believe in walking all over people and taking advantage of anyone. I think you should say what you really mean and always be honest
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