It's been way too long since I last visited this site. For some reason, I feel it necessary to put some thoughts down while I'm at work, since I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing right now. I'm still learning a lot
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I have only recently come to realize that everything that has ever happened to me was for a specific reason. There is no struggle without a lesson. When I look back at some things I am overwhelmed with shame and heartbreak anew...but it passed more quickly than it used to. I have to think to myself...why is this? The only answer that I can think of
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Christopher and I have been together for a year and 4 days already. I find myself growing nostalgic about it because it really doesn't feel like it's been that long at all. I never would have guessed that a year ago I would have found the love of my life after watching one of the worst movies I've ever seen ("When a Stranger Calls" lol).
I was reading Time's Fashion edition last year when I came across a woman, Melanie Pullen who is a fashion photographer, but she goes about conveying her art in a different kind of way. Definitely is the link to her gallery: <
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And I couldn't be any happier than I can ever have imagined myself to be. It's really odd that this ole' journal of mine seems to be full of bitching and whining and heartbreak and bullshit and blah blah blah
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1. Who's going to be a successful college professor? Me. That's right folks, I'll be "Dr. Joslin" yet...not to mention the salary is amazing
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