temporarily arisen from the dead! and an invite!

Jun 17, 2010 10:58

I need to do a huge update, profess my undying love for those still following this journal, and give some extra digital hugs to those that need 'em. In the meantime, I thought those in the tri-state region might be interested in this:

THIS SATURDAY! At Laurelhurst Park in Portland, OR, there will be a presentation of Two Gentleman of Lebowski! ( Read more... )

life, drive-by update, invite

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Comments 3

marykae June 17 2010, 23:30:59 UTC
Yes please! Birthday karaokes Saturday!

I will be at the showing.


thepikey June 18 2010, 02:48:08 UTC
Yay, I haz undying love!

A pox upon't Moonchylde, let us play at ninepins.


rowancat June 18 2010, 15:56:41 UTC
Longest catnap in history :) Hi!


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