Glee | Welcome Back, New Directions | W, E, ND (6 of 6)

Apr 13, 2010 11:18

Started my daily ficlets to make the hiatus pass, then decided to keep going with a second cycle, and then a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eigth cycle. Which MEANS cycle 9 is here, which MEANS...


And in honor of said return (*flails!*), here's a first more or less multi-chapter story/arc! Ends on the day of (*flaily mcfangirl*) THE RETURN! (aka TODAAAAY!!)
Day 6 of 6

Will, Emma, New Directions

Emma wasn’t going to spy on the kids. No, that wasn’t her style. But as one entrusted with guidance, it was fully within her professional opinion that she should keep an eye on them… It was really upsetting to Will, what was happening to Glee Club, so she wanted to help. That day, of all days, she’d decided to observe them over lunch. She’d brought her own meal, of course. She knew the lunch ladies, they were lovely women… But she’d seen their handy work, so she brought her lunch from home still.

Coming into the cafeteria, she’d found a small table in the corner, out of the way, out of sight. She could already see a few of them that had arrived, sitting at various tables. Not one of them looked particularly happy… She could see how Will was at a loss. Emma would eat slowly, the better to keep an eye out for as long as possible.

She’d been looking down at her food for just a second or two, gathering up a bite on her fork, when she heard someone call out “Brittany!” She looked up to find the girl crossing among the tables. Emma put her fork down when she saw she was carrying a chair. Looking back, she saw it had been Santana’s voice she’d heard… made sense.

Whatever had happened, and this no one but those twelve kids knew, somehow it hadn’t affected them, not as much. But then, what she knew of those two, it was hardly a surprise.

She turned back to see what Brittany was up… on a chair? Emma frowned, not too sure what was happening. But then…

[B] “Countless hours of learning more / Countless hours of knowing less / Can’t look behind you.”

Part of her was still uncertain as to how to interpret this, but the other part was just thinking how long it had been since they’d heard one of those voices anywhere in this school, and she smiled. When she heard the second voice, she did like everyone else did, she looked back.

[B/S] “You have to look ahead”

She felt her heart hop at the addition of Santana’s voice. Not only that, she was now getting up, taking her own chair and moving it next to Brittany’s, climbing on as they sang on, arm in arm.

[B/S] “So many doubts running through your mind / All the excuses / Don’t have the time / All the rejection you have to leave behind / Leave it all behind.”

She would never have believed she’d see the day a couple of Cheerios would put on this kind of display, this way…

Everyone did the collective head turn once again and Emma gasped at what she saw and heard, quickly taking out her phone and hitting speed dial.

[B, S, R] “Hold your dreams / Don’t ever let it go / Be yourself / And let the world take notice.”


“Will, you have to get down to the cafeteria right now,” Emma spoke so fast she had to pull in a gasp of air after. Rachel had climbed on her chair now, next to Brittany’s.

“W… The cafeteria? Why?” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sue get up, but he paid no attention, stopping at what he heard. Much in the fashion of Sectionals, Emma had held out her phone, capturing the voices singing. “Is that Rachel?” he spoke, surprised.

“And Brittany and Santana. Oh…” she blinked, seeing… “Finn just got up too, he’s got two…”

[BSRF] “You’ll find strength / When people bring you down.”

“O-okay, Quinn’s going now, Will… You have to get down here,” she breathed giddiness.

[BSRFQ] “They will see / If you would only, only believe.”

“I’ll be right there,” he told her before hanging up and gathering his things. He’d just stepped out of the teachers’ lounge when he was accosted by one of his Spanish class students with a question. He didn’t want to miss what was going on, especially after having already missed Sectionals, but he couldn’t bail out on this either. So he stayed to answer the question.

In the cafeteria, Emma had been watching with a bit of concern as both Finn and Rachel helped Quinn climb on the chair next to Rachel. But she’d made it, holding on to the brunette’s hand for support. Now that it was done, Emma looked back across the cafeteria, wondering and hoping for the next voices…

But then came the issue. After she’d left the teachers’ lounge, sensing perhaps Glee Club was trying to make a resurgence, relodging as the thorn in her side, she’d started for the cafeteria. As luck would have it, as she was striding along, she spotted… “Figgins!” The man stopped, seeming to groan to himself. “Follow me,” she told him, not waiting for an answer. He wasn’t sure why, but he followed.

Emma gasped quietly when she saw them come in. She looked to the five of them up there, wondering if she should intervene… Maybe she should wait and see if they’d manage on their own. Besides, seeing how livid Sue was at the sight of her Cheerios up there was oddly satisfying.

The lividity hardened in the cheerleading coach while pride swelled in the guidance counsellor when Kurt got up and incited the others to lead him in.

[K] “Someway, somehow” / [BSRFQ] “Yeah, yeah, yeah” / [K] “Don’t give up now” / [BSRFQ] “Don’t give up”

Emma barely resisted breaking into applause as the next four joined in, one right after the other - Artie, Tina, Mike, Matt… Will had yet to arrive, and she wasn’t sure what could possibly keep him from this.

[KA] “Don’t be afraid to succeed” / [BSRFQ] “To succeed, yeah” / [T] “Someway, somehow” / [BSRFQKA] “Come on, everybody” / [Mi] “The time is right now” / [BSRFQKA] “It’s our time, yeah” / [Ma] “Don’t be afraid to succeed” / [BSRFQKA] “To succeed, yeah”

He’d finally settled the student’s question, now nothing would stop him from going. He ran through the halls, and as he approached the cafeteria, he could hear… the thing he’d feared he’d lost… his kids, singing, united…

He got to the door, and he looked in, not wanting to distract them. A few more had joined in since Emma had called, though he still counted two missing. And yet… watching the ten already up there, he could feel the joy fill him, his eyes welling up.

[10] “Hold your dreams / Don’t ever let it go”

It had all seemed a crazy idea at first, harebrained… taking over Glee Club. But he knew it was right, deep down, even if the others wouldn’t. He knew those kids, he was those kids once upon a time. If anyone could see them through this, it would be him. To think he’d almost left it just as they had started…

The next few months had been filled with discoveries, complications, joy, sadness, lessons, life… music… He would forever cherish it, both good and bad together, knowing the bad made the good as good as it was in some twisted way. He finally felt like he was where he belonged. He’d put this thing he loved into the back of his mind for far too long. In the end, it wasn’t worth it, denying himself. He needed to choose happiness, and he’d done that by choosing Glee Club.

Even if he hadn’t been in the room with them all along, Will did just like everyone else in the room, turning at the sound of a new voice. He watched, smiled, as Puck stood from his chair and moved to join the others.

[P+10] “Be yourself / And let the world take notice”

Will found himself taking one step forward, seeking to find Mercedes among the tables. When he did, he waited with hope. “Come on… you can do it…” he whispered under his breath.

[Me+11] “You’ll find strength / When people bring you down / They will see / If you would only, only believe.”

Mercedes stood, and he smiled as all twelve voices bounced off the walls of McKinley’s cafeteria. He took another step forward, looking across the room to find Emma. They both smiled, and Emma tilted her head to indicate he should look back. When he did, he chuckled, seeing the twelve of them grinning back to him.

“Are you honestly just going to stand there?” Sue cut across the silence, staring at Figgins. The man looked back to her for a moment before turning to Will.

“Is Glee Club back in session?” he asked, looking to the kids for a second. They all nodded firmly and Will smirked, relaying the motion to Figgins. “Excellent,” he made his exit, passing a furiously stunned Sue. She threw Will a look before following suite and heading out. Will watched them go before turning back to the group.

“Guys? Shall we?” he gestured for them to follow. They cheered in agreement, while the rest of the cafeteria got back to eating. After getting down from the chairs, they went and followed Mr. Schuester out of the cafeteria. As they reached their old room, he opened the door, turned the lights on. He smiled to himself before turning and indicating for them to get inside. They went to sit and rather than standing, facing them, he went and sat among them. “I tell you, I’m so… happy to see you all together like this again, smiling… What happened back there?”

“Brittany happened,” Artie answered, the others smirking and briefly cheering her on. Santana, sitting next to her, smiled to her with pride, and Mike gave her an outstretched high five across the group.

“Well, thank you, Brittany,” Will nodded.

“Sure,” she shrugged humbly.

“Tell you what,” Will stood as an idea came to him. “I made you abandon your lunches, why don’t we go out and grab something, my treat, and we can discuss things. Then this afternoon, practice,” he nodded. It was a unanimous yes.

Glee Club was officially back.



[Cycle 1] [Cycle 2] [Cycle 3] [Cycle 4] [Cycle 5] [Cycle 6] [Cycle 7] [Cycle 8]
[Cycle 9]
[ [169] [170] [171] [172] [173]]

Suggestion Drop Off

Title: "Welcome Back, New Directions"
Pairing: Brittany & Santana, Rachel, Finn, Quinn, Finn/Quinn-ness, Kurt, Artie, Artie/Tina, Tina, Mike, Matt, Mike/Brittany, Matt/Sasha, Puck, Puck/Quinn, Mercedes, Will, Emma, Will/Emma
Rating: G
Summary: [WB 6/6] The Glee Club has been torn apart, and Brittany takes it upon herself to bring them back together, and new voices join in.
Spoilers: 113 Sectionals, I guess...

character: kurt hummel, character: mike chang, gleekathon: wb, character: finn hudson, character: will schuester, character: brittany, show: glee, character: quinn fabray, character: noah puckerman, couple: tina and artie, character: sue sylvester, couple: mike and brittany, character: matt rutherford, couple: santana and brittany, character: emma pillsbury, character: principal figgins, character: tina cohen-chang, character: santana lopez, couple: will and emma, couple: puck and quinn, couple: finn and quinn, character: mercedes jones, character: artie abrams, gleekathon, character: rachel berry

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