We got beer and cloves and headed downtown. There was nothing else to do. The streetlights were out and it felt like home. When there was nothing to do back home, we drove around. So we did. I sped down 15
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So I picked up some Indian food today, and the nice guy behind the counter asked if I had a sister who had been in there. I told him no, I'm not a Rochester native. He said she looked just like me, and that she's Jewish
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I'm in Rochester again for the summer. I'm working in lab again...except my project is already halfway done. I'm living in Colony, but thinking of moving out. Mostly so I can get a kitty
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megaboz11: hah hah megaboz11: I love watching the CBET-athon at the end of every quarter lunastar 1415: what? lunastar 1415: hahahahhaha lunastar 1415: thaaaaaanks megaboz11: it's like the charlie brown christmas special, only it's on THREE times a year