aw, is there any way you get that blog onto an rss feed so i can read it through my friends list? i really like the look of this and would love to read it consistently.. i can't really add to favourites on this computer and i'm so unorganized with searching the web for good reading content..
great review of the blue notebooks by the by, and ps, the bernard lakes are fantastic... play 'you've got to want to be a star'! :)
boo. i'll maybe have to get back to you on that one, but i know it can be done. in any case, you can post all that you write there on livejournal... sure you can :)
and hey, are you into HOOD at all? they are playing The Drake, Toronto, Ontario 15th march... you should definitely go!
Comments 10
great review of the blue notebooks by the by, and ps, the bernard lakes are fantastic... play 'you've got to want to be a star'! :)
Thanks so much! And you got me into the Besnard Lakes so I will definitely play that track next week.
and hey, are you into HOOD at all? they are playing The Drake, Toronto, Ontario 15th march... you should definitely go!
I am, I am! I heard about the show but I'm away at school and I dunno if I can afford the transportation money to get to Toronto and see them. :(
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