spuzz celebrated 200 watchers by opening a request post. I thought about doing the same or something like it but then I thought instead I'd do something for most of the 200 users who watch our community.
I'm in the process of making an interest icon for everyone in the community. But there were a few stipulations as I went through, selecting images for everyone. The users I am making icons for had within 4 weeks of activity in their journal. What's the point of making an icon for someone who's abandoned their journal, right? They had to have entries period and they had to have interests. So some people were left out of this exercise but the good thing is that all the icons are shareable.
The images I chose were all gathered a few weeks ago and since then I have noticed that some people have left the community or have deleted their journals. Since I'm making around 200 icons as it is I don't really have the time or patience to go through the watcher list and cross reference it with the images I picked to see who has left the comm so I'm going to keep going with the images I have right now.
This is sort of crazy, I know, but I already have 60 done and this has been fun! I got my Sweet Charity icons done for my winning person so I'm going to try to work on these and get another post done in the next couple of weeks.
I hope you like these but there's no obligation to use them. It's just a token of appreciation for our watchers and to say thanks for hanging around. :)
If you have a few seconds and enjoy ficathons (for any fandom!) take a few seconds and check out
this poll, too, would you? I'd like to get a picture prompt challenge off the ground. :)
The breakdown numbers below are rough. I'm missing four somewhere, but all 60+ are behind the cut, then a complete listing of what interest icons I made for which people.
* Commenting is love. Nominations are also adored.
* No hotlinking and, ya know, don't claim as your own. Mmkay?
* Gradient/brush/cap credit is in my resource post.
* Blanks are not bases. Do not customize. Please don't ask, the answer is no.
* Please credit
marishna and not the community. Thanks!
* Last time:
40 multifandom icons and
Lost icon tutorial * Next time: Who knows?
32 x various celebrities
10 x various TV
04 x Gossip Girl
03 x Harry Potter
03 x Twilight
02 x Torchwood
02 x Misc
01 02 03 04
05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28
29 30 31 32
33 34 35 36
37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44
45 46 47 48
49 50 51 52
53 54 55 56
57 58 59 60
22_8miles - Reese Witherspoon
___closetome - Gina Gershon
__noabsolution - David Tennant
_divya_ - Callum Keith Rennie
_kirsty - Gossip Girl
_ligaya_ - Sailor Moon
_nereis_ - Queer as Folk
_rebel_x_yell_ - Sophia Bush
3wishes_xoxo - Kristen Bell
abernathi - Taylor Kitsch
abmo - Kristen Stewart
accio_cowbell - Hugh Laurie
add1c7ed - Blake Lively
alfiri - Twilight
all_at_once - Jennifer Morrison
already_used - Catherine Zeta Jones
amy_star_ - David Boreanez
amy_vic - Friday Night Lights
angharadd - Harry Potter
anoel - Tim Gunn
anya1976 - Kirsten Dunst
asti68 - Reading
ataniell93 - Jesse Spencer
bathsweaver - Stargate Atlantis
bellanut - Chloe Sullivan
blackberry_lili - Gossip Girl
blondychik1 - Carrie Underwood
bobbinrob - Summer Glau
bre_horses - Robert Pattinson
bytheshoreline - Amy Adams
cariprin - Edward Cullen
catzen20 - Anthony Stewart Head
cherishthepast - Gwen Cooper
chuyr0x - Madonna
cidercupcakes - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
clearthe_area - Gwen Cooper
clex_monkie89 - Chad Michael Murray
constantcomment - Gale Harold
coraphee - Kelly Clarkson
cptnsubtext - Effy Stonem
crazyjoyfulgirl - Justin Timberlake
crippled - Blair Waldorf
darkenkp - Shane West
dopplar_fex - Shakespeare
drankmywar - Sophia Bush
elly_2004 - Zombies (from Dawn of the Dead 2004)
erin2326 - Jared/Jensen
eystri - Ten/Rose
faeryfroggy - Tom Welling
fan_cifully - Edward Cullen
fillysicon - Paramore
fly_meaway - Amber Tamblyn
gwentastic - John Sheppard
hd_obsession - Draco Malfoy
heizqu - Hayden Panettiere
hel_lansky - Sarah Michelle Gellar
himhilien - Luna Lovegood
humanedemon - Drusilla
iamwhitelady - Kate Winslet
Jade_kadir - Marcia Cross