UPDATED: MAY 25, 2009
information screencaps & picture resources textures, fonts INFORMATION
All icons are made with either: Paint Shop Pro x/9/8 or Photoshop CS or higher.
Occasional text work may be done in Illustrator CS or higher and transferred.
Texture, Stock, Art
FFFFound Multiple fandoms
Striped Wall LeaveMeTheWhite.com In a Dream thirdhex mata090680 marishna Minnesota Twins
Minnesota Twins News and Photos Music (My Chemical Romance, The Academy Is..., MSI, Singers)
Buzznet Friends or EnemiesMCR PicsLife on the Murder Scene (MCR) screencaps by
veeciousThe Black Parade Is Dead! and
Other MCR videos by
cool_rain_kiss drankmywar @
defaultsettings (Helena, The Ghost of You, I'm Not Okay, Famous Last Words)
mcr_pic_spam Livejournal Communities: Misc.
hires_hotties hires_hunks hires_tvmoviefoto_decadent Television
The Freeze Frame Network Still-Flying.net Seeking For Redemption Movies
Lord of the Rings Star Trek TEXTURES, FONTS
DaFont FFFFound DesignBum PaleSeptembre Textures/Resource Makers
icons_are_hot ewanism _iconographerfangirls_inc apparating weapon_iconsohpaintbrush elli iconofilthtihana loveicon distractiionsdiscolore dusty_memories lookslikeiconsxswaniconsx marishna rythmiqueeveningwalk coloured_skies lemonpunch createzero aube_des_arts satin_resonance polaroidism wildsheepz hybridmagic