May 12, 2006 00:10
Ok Tonys not talking to me period now. Why I have no idea. A simple email would be nice. I havent talk to him in 2 months. I cant seem to get a hold of him. Im at my end here. I have no idea what to do. He wont respond to any of my emails. I dont know what to do.
Apr 21, 2006 17:11
It took me a long time for me not to be angery at just the mention of your name. Your lucky Im even talking to you. I was very hurt and confused.
Oct 07, 2005 21:16
I am sitting in my room on a friday night with nothing to do. Undead_hunter I do love you. I got paid today. I got a laptop which I paid with my own money to get.
Sep 12, 2005 01:02
Im really bored right now. I hate closing and they(work) called me in today. Damn I was mad! I still have to clean my room still (long story). I got to eat ice cream. I am just coming up with random things right now.....
Sep 10, 2005 13:14
Undead_hunter I love you! I can't wait to see you. I miss you so much right now. I hope I will be at the airport to pick you up with my mom.
Sep 09, 2005 14:10
Going to school then doing the closing shift is rough. I miss Tony! I really do. Tony asked me to live with him once he gets stationed in North Carolina. I really want to. I just don't know if I am ready to take that kind of step yet.
Sep 08, 2005 00:33
I really hate when I have to go to school and work. I had to work from 345 to 1215. Not fun! School was from 1100 to 1225. Then after class I had to go to the Writing Center from 100 to 155. Oh what fun!!!!!
Sep 06, 2005 21:48
I just got off work. Tomarrow I have class and I am closing for work. Its going to be hell, oh joy *scarasm* Oh well I can get over it. Tony I am sorry for falling asleep on you.