You are an addicting game. But please. PLEASE. Pee-El-Zee! Let me get past the fucking Blitz! I know most people wouldn't think it would be so hard, but I am really really like ceral struggling with this STUPID TECHNIQUE!
Today I slaughtered a lot of Jawas. And by a lot of Jawas I mean about 150ish. Is that bad? I mean, they attacked me first! And then I watched as they killed one of their own! Seriously. I think they deserved to be killed.
mimacor: jesus mimacor: how do you spell that? darkgunnerpaine: Jesus is spelled... darkgunnerpaine: J-E-S-U-S darkgunnerpaine: or darkgunnerpaine: B-I-L-L-I-E J-O-E!! mimacor: i was waiting for that