3. Title: Blind
Artist: Placebo
Characters: Dean, Sam (Dean POV)
Type: Relationship Study
Vidder(s): starsouls1013
Summary: The one thing Dean wants is for Sam to stick around.
http://starsouls1013.livejournal.com/23 2888.html 4. Title: Feeling Good
Artist: Muse
Characters: Dean, Sam, John
Type: Character Study
Vidder(s): kunju (monkiedude)
Link: none
5. Title: Because of You
Artist: Nickelback
Characters: the Winchesters
Type: character study
Vidder(s): wolfling
Summary: The Winchesters are what they are because of the demon
www.fwolfling.com/vids 6. Title: Shot
Artist: The Rasmus
Characters: Dean and Sam
Type: Song Interpretation
Vidder: wolfpup
Summary: Dean is always willing to take the shot for Sam!
http://wolfpup2000.livejournal.com/8127.html 7.Title: To be a Ghost
Artist: Taking Back Sunday
Character: Dean
Type: Character Study, Action, Recruiter
astartexxSummary: Dean has known since he was four how it feels to be a ghost and Sam is going to adjust to this state. Or get killed for real.
http://astartexx.livejournal.com/40346.html 8. Title: Come On, Angel
Artist: Sarah Slean
Character: Dean, Sam
Type: Character Study, Drama
wistful_feverSummary: "Once he's yours, he's yours for good. Now you behave like an Angel should." A study of the struggle between the Winchester brothers. Sam, Dean, John. GEN.
http://wistful-fever.livejournal.com/157603.html 9. Title: Still Rock 'n Roll to Me
Artist: Billy Joel
Characters: Dean
Type: Charater Study/Humour
Tallisen Summary: Everything is rock 'n roll to Dean. This is my tribute to him! :D
Youtube link 10.Title: Feeling Good
Artist: Muse
Characters: Dean, Sam, John
Type: Character Study
Vidder(s): kunju (innie_darling)
Summary: Dean Winchester's extraordinary life. Spoilers through 1x16.
http://innie-darling.livejournal.com/18424.html11. Title: Evening On The Ground
Artist: Iron & Wine
Character: Dean
Type: Character Study, Drama
Vidder: lithium_doll
Summary: Evening on the ground and there is no one else around so you will blame me
http://www.alter-idem.com/?now=2&id=68 12. Title: Born to Kill
Artist: Matthew Good
Type: Gen, action.
Vidder: Ringwench (
http://ringwench.livejournal.com )
Summary: A season one overview focusing on the Winchester family business.