Jun 04, 2002 21:24
Found second hoarde of Susan B's. I'm up to $165. I also got a sw33t holster for my 1858ish Remington replica... Only problem is it's meant to be worn on the left and cross-drawn, which isn't military-like. >,< Even though it's a military style holster in every other way.. Grr. Still spiffy and it resulted in a trip to Bass Pro Shops.
Jun 03, 2002 13:03
just checking out my picture. Thanks Fareme!!
I have $102 in Susan B. Anthony dollars. Sw33t. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get any more.
May 14, 2002 17:05
Primes are good. I've got a new version of flashlite.exe, email me if you want it. ^v^
*yawns* Went to Monett today, got a couple Sonic Comics (instead of cheapo lightsabre), birthday gift for Dad, and.. umm.. an old atari 2600 game. Yay.