Another update on my
Who's Your Daddy? Challenge for your viewing pleasure.
Buns in the oven ~ G - H. Because snail's pace rock!
This is the Bun family as it looked at the end of the last update. (Yep, it's the lazy loading screen pic again)
Aileen is away at uni now and baby "F" Fife is just after being born.
Omarina's oven is in fact empty right now.
Firstly a quick reminder of how Omarina and the kids look.
(This layout idea is shamelessly stolen from
Cormag, don't sleep now - I have just clicked "Grow up".
Cormag rolled Family/Knowledge and his hobby is Fitness.
Family suits him really well, Knowledge not at all - I have never seen a slower-skilling sim than him. As Fitness was his hobby I thought it fitting to give him a tracksuit as everyday wear.
See? Family is perfect for him. He loves kids.
Tucking in his little sister. *hugs Cormag*
The other kids are getting on well too.
Boyd is still a big smiler...
... and Donella is still skilling like mad.
Hey, put that brick down! Seriously, just after I decided that Donella was to be the one who would give me the "All Scholarships" bonus she began to autonomously do silly childish non-skilling things.
Heh, that brick was later zapped by the repo man. >:D
And of course I do try my best not to overload my storytelling folder with pictures of Euan the Voodoo child. But it's hard.
In other news, Komei maxed Logic but still no abduction.
As you see I have taken the cow plant out of Omarina's inventory to make it nice and hungry for the next step in getting Donella's scholarships.
Kinda sad, Donella doesn't even realise that the old lady standing there waiting to be greeted is in fact her "dad".
As soon as Komei greeted her she went straight for the cake.
And the cow plant was hungry; the coach lady never stood a chance.
R.I.P. Nikki Turner.
The urn went into Donella's inventory. It seemed the most fitting place.
Inside the house Euan is getting that sparkly feeling.
He grew up in that outfit and I think I'll let him keep it. Still cute don't you think?
Komei and Euan were the only ones home to celebrate Fife's first birthday.
Oh my, we are on a cute streak it seems.
Fife is a Taurus 10/3/8/10/2.
I gave him freckles because he has Omarina's exact colouring, and I think he wears them well.
Donella has nearly 8 skill points in all skills, so I let her get her 8th creativity point by painting.
"I call this one 'Temptation of our fathers'"
The next day it finally happened.
A cloud of pollen dust engulfed Omarina and turned her into a plantsim.
A plantsim with freckles? And see the ear rings? Omarina found them on the beach on her last holiday. I had completely forgotten that I'd put them on her as her hair normally hides them.
So quickly she makes a spore baby...
... and swigs the potion she bought from the Match Maker a while ago.
There, back to normal again. The shortest stint as a plantsim ever.
Meet Glenna Bun.
She is Sagittarius 4/3/3/5/10. 10 nice points? It doesn't really look like it.
Fife is very happy to have someone his own size to play with.
I made Glenna go and splash in the puddle to get her water need up, Fife just followed and joined the puddle-splashing autonomously. :D What a pair.
Everyone loves Glenna and they all keep rolling wants to talk to her and play with her - even the children.
I love this activity table, the kids get to know each other so quickly.
Oh yeah, rub it in why don't you. He's in the zone and now has a shiny plaque, but still no abduction.
Hah! Spot the creepy smiler, although Euan still looks cute when he does it.
That evening the Arts and Craft hobby guy, Trevor Ngai, came to give Boyd a membership for the secret hobby lot. Perfect timing, he can be the "H" babydaddy.
But Omarina can't get pregnant when there are 8 sims on the lot so Boyd leaves for Uni where he will join his big sister Aileen.
A click on the simblender baby H is in the oven.
"How the heck did I get pregnant this time?!"
Time to see if Fife will retain his cuteness as a child.
Yep. I'm sorry Euan, it looks like you have some competition now.
I don't know if any of you noticed that I didn't post the usual 'toddler skills x 3' pic for Fife... Well, it turns out I never had anyone teach him talk, so no "all toddler skills" point for Fife.
Poor Glenna, she's not due to grow up for another day and as she has almost all skill points I just let her roam the house on freewill.
">gumble< who keeps breaking this robot?"
And Omarina is fixing the computer so Cormag can get to use it to apply for scholarships, and move to college.
He hasn't actually been a teen for very long but I need more space to get Komei abducted and pregnant, so off he goes to join Aileen and Boyd.
Now the cowplant is hungry again Omarina invited the food-stealing buzz-cut BV townie over for a 3 day visit. But it's going to be a lot shorter than that my friend. *evil cackle*
Oh, and that is the servo babydaddy-to-be. But I don't have time for him now.
However, the cow plant refused to eat him though it was clearly hungry. I actually locked the buzz-cut in there but after half a day I got fed up waiting and simply had Omarina ask him to move in, to see if that would make any difference.
He was eaten right away.
A quick call on the SS Bone Phone...
.... and BV buzz-cut is back. And much improved he is. >:D
Yeah, now you are sorry.
After that he "found own place".
I should mention that he added 3000 Simoleons to the household when he moved in so I will have to get Omarina to invite him over and give him an expensive present.
Hey, where is the repo guy I want as a babydaddy?!
I thought it was always the same repo guy who came.
But wait, this guy looks just like Trevor Ngai - are you moonlighting as a repo man my friend? Or are you indeed a repo man moonlighting as the Arts & Craft dude?
Aww look, Komei is also sad it's not the same guy. But cheer up Komei, we will continue to not pay the bills in the hope the right repo man will show up at a time when the oven is empty.
I love the pretty spot Donella chose to sparkle up.
Fortune/Romance, hobby is Sports. Her LTW is to Own 5 Top Level Businesses. *sob*
Soon after Glenna grew up and rolled Knowledge/Romance with a LTW of maxing 7 skills. >ugh< Why couldn't that have been Donella?
A quick pic of her and she moves out.
"Goodbye little sis, behave out there in the big wide world."
Yeah, Fife was the only one who came out to wave her off.
She moved into a trailer with Johnny Fratster, the BV buzz-cut zombie, and much to my surprise they have 3 bolts.
Have fun with ACR my friends.
And talking of fun; Komei has started to bring Aileen's dad, Ray McAuley, home with him from work every *bleeping* day. I don't see how this is even possible, Ray is a Uni townie, how does he have a job? I think the game is trying to cause trouble in my otherwise peaceful Bun house.
Goodbye Ray.
"Yes Headmaster, we would like for Euan and Fife to attend your private school, and if I get to know you well enough as time goes by, we can even arrange for you to be one of my babydaddies."
>Lewd chuckling< "I like the sound of that."
And he wasn't kidding; 143/90, my highest score ever!
Yes Fife, you are indeed going to go to private school now. *pats Fife's head*
Oh, and that is Aileen visiting from Uni. Boyd and Cormag were there too I just didn't get any pics of them.
The very next morning Omarina showed her two young sons where babies really come from and needless to say they were pretty shocked.
Baby "H" is a girl, and going with my Scottish naming theme there are no prizes for guessing her name...
Heather, of course.
She has her father's brown hair and grey eyes, and Omarina's skin#2.
Now there is quite a gap between the children what with Glenna already an adult and Fife having been a child for several days, and Heather only just after being born.
I'd better get babydaddy "I" to come round as soon as Komei heads off to work.
"Woooh that gal has a fiiine brain."
Really, I can't imagine you'd want to see any more than this grey decaying foot sticking out from under the quilt.
*Cilck* on the simblender and bun "I" is in the oven.
Aaaaah - this is awkward. Yes, I do have a habbit of getting the chance cards right just when I really don't need it. And now Komei is home and Omarina and buzz-cut zoombie are still in the bedroom with big purple woohoo hearts swirling above their heads.
So while I hurry Omarina out of bed and get her to say goodbye to Buzz-cut, Komei startles Ray by NOT saying goodbye to him right away, indeed he stops to tell him a dirty joke (about necklaces?) right in front of a school bus full of youngsters. Suave.
And talking of suave, look how handsomely Fife manages to frame himself in the doorway of the school bus. <3
Thankfully all went well and no-one got red breaking-up rings, but it sure was a close call.
Now I can concentrate yet again on trying to get Komei abducted and to have Donella get all those scholarships. This pool scholarship is taking forever to come through for some reason.
The dance scholarship was in the bag fairly quickly.
"Aileen, are you sure we should dance like this?"
"I'm just showing you the way that the guys like it."
"But..but.. I thought zombies were infertile?"
Heh, Donella doesn't think much of the cake I bought to grow Heather up.
And here we go; another cute toddler.
Heather is Sagittarius 7/2/10/10/6.
Not two minutes later did Euan get that spin-sparkle urge too.
Euan kept his handsome looks now the voodoo doll on the shelf behind him can go straight into his inventory where it rightly belongs.
He rolled Popularity/Pleasure and his LTW is to have 20 pet best friends. Yeah, I think a Uni re-roll are on the cards for him.
Oh and ignore the eggplant on the shelf there, I was just experimenting with what objects you can put on the shelf, and as you see eggplants are go.
Lastly in this update, a quick pic of Heather whom I gave a tiny makeover in that I changed her hair to one which was a shade darker than the one she grew up with, just to be more true to her brown hair colour.
Feel free to go "awwww".
Thank you for reading - I look forward to show you some more Buns in the near future.
I wonder why the Bun house reminds me of my house?[/sarcasm]
Goodbye and thanks for all the cheese.
← Buns in the Oven: D - F Buns in the Oven: I - L →