Buns in the Oven: I - L

May 17, 2009 02:07

Another update on my Who's Your Daddy? Challenge for your viewing pleasure.

Buns in the Oven: I - L.

"What? No lazy loading screen intro pic this time?"

No, my dear Komei, I thought I would start this update with a picture of your pregnant wife hula dancing in the living room.

Omarina is presently expecting baby "I" who is fathered by food-stealing buzz-cut BV townie zombie; Johnny Fratster. Impressive title for a babydaddy, yeah? And not only that - he is currently living in a trailer with his unborn child's big sister (spore-spawn Glenna) whom he has not one, not two, but a whole three bolts for.

Quick reminder of the kids who are still living at home.

For many nights now, this has been a typical sight, but still no abductions.
I'm beginning to worry it will never happen.

Can't remember if I showed you the toddler skills of Heather, but here you are; all learnt.

Donella is the kid whom I hope to get the "All Scholarships" bonus from, but just to show I'm not cruel here is prof that I do let her fulfill some of those typical teen wants. Also, I need her aspiration up so she can use the energizer for her usual night of stargazing.

>bzzz< >bzzz< Baby "I" is calling - he wants out now!

Yes, baby "I" is a boy, with brown hair, grey eyes and skin#1.

Welcome to the challenge Ivor

As with Heather's birth Euan and Fife were present; but this time they were not shocked at all, indeed they needed to have a quick game of "Red Hands" in order to keep themselves amused.

And what do you know; just as the oven is empty again the right repo man turns up. *hugs repo dude*

Hello simblender *clickclick* and baby "J" is on the way.

And while we wait for the next birth there are birthdays to attend.

Heather's first autonomous action? Kiss her big sister Glenna. Awww.

"Why are you all looking at me? I'm not gonna kiss her!"

Fife rolled Popularity/Knowledge and his LTW is to own 5 Top Level Businesses. I do love Fife, but perhaps not as much as that.
Note to self: Re-roll Fife at Uni.

Fife in his new everyday wear, because we now have enough simoleons to buy new clothes for the kids, and because he really did not suit that grey jumper/sandal-socks combo.

He is still pretty cute but I can see more of his dad's features coming through now.

STOP PRESS: Euan is still very very veryveryvery nice!

Euan does these 10 nice-point swoons all the time! I wonder what his dad (the Witch Doctor) was on when he gave Omarina his "donation". Too much experimenting with "herbal remedies" I'd say.

Before we know of it, it's Ivor the zombie offspring's first birthday.

Oh dear, not much of his mum there, and that pink outfit has got to go.

There; mussed up hair and his spore sister's old grass skirt. He looks happy enough don't you think?

Ivor is a Gemini - 1/10/10/3/10. *blows tooter*

Ivor's toddler skills.

I told you you'd see a lot of these in this challenge. Still another 17 to go, and that is if I can manage to stay on my twin-free streak.

As there are seven sims in the house and Omarina is pregnant, it is time to send Euan off to Uni where he will join Aileen, Boyd and Cormag.

OK aliens, there is room for an alien nooboo again, go ahead and abduct Komei.

Stuff-her-with-muffins sweet Heather is still very much a cutie, but I must admit I tend to forget her with everything else going on.

So here is a gratuitous pic, just to show you how sweet she looks.

And not only is she sweet - she also learnt to do homework all by herself.

But wait, why is there suddenly a loud noise coming from outside the house?


Don't fight it Komei; go into the light.

As for the sympathetic family watching worriedly? Well, there weren't any.

"What is all this noise out here? Where is Komei?"

"I donno mum, I'm just going in to empty the trash."

Komei was duly returned a few hours later - bringing with a very welcome lullaby.

And you know what the first thing he did was?

Casual WooHoo his wife on the sofa. I love ACR.

As autumn turns to winter Donella reaches the zone and is visited by the science lady whose normal hair obviously does not work with her winter clothes.

No Komei, I'm afaid Omarina had nothing to do with it.

And talking of Omarina, she just managed to get a massive aspiration boost for giving birth to baby number ten.

And it's another boy whom I will name Jock.

Black hair? But his Repo dude dad has brown hair. Where did the black come from?
Will I ever learn to understand sim genetics?

As the oven is yet again empty it is time to say goodbye to Fife although he hasn't been a teenager for very long.

"Hmf! I didn't even get a first kiss."

"What do you say Komei, fancy making a baby with me?"

"Do I ever!!"

Yes, both baby "K" and "L" will be offsprings of Komei, I thought it was about time Komei put his genetic fingerprints on this challenge.

First birthday for Jock the mini repo dude. Pretty cute methinks.

And even more so after a little makeover.

Scorpio 8/5/9/4/1. Only 1 nice point? Looks way too sweet for that.

It is also time for Ivor to grow up. I should have downloaded a child-size grass skirt for him.

But I settled for second best and gave him the zombie clothes from the sims2 store, which suits him surprisingly well. He IS the son of a zombie after all.

With just one neat point to boot.

Yep, another toddler skills pic.

Oh dear, what a way to waste good smart milk. I should get someone to fix that robot. Poor Jock got quite a fright there.

Ivor learns homework. >yawn<

Can I just say how cute it is to have two pregnant sims in the house who keep taking turns at rubbing and talking to each others' bellies.

The next morning Komei finally gave birth to a fine alien baby boy whom I shall name Keith.

All alien apart for the fact he has a nose.

Heh, why do the kiddies always want to play with that broken robot?

Quite amusing to watch though.

~Sometime in the middle of the night~

"Too bright, can't look at it."

Just go with it Donella, it won't hurt - much.

Well hello there Ivor; heard a strange noise and couldn't get back to sleep, and then felt this was a fine time to try out the kite which was hanging on your wall?


Midnight Kite? Brilliant! *hugs Ivor*

Inside the house there wasn't much peace to find anyway as Omarina and Komei's baby make its way into the world.

We seem to be on a bit of a boy streak here, this little one is male too and his name will be Lennox.
Sadly he didn't get Komei's red hair, only his blue eyes. Oh well, there is hope yet that Lennox will get the Komei face.

Outside, Donella's return is only observed by Ivor.

Straight onto the computer to check the alien abduction scholarship is in the bag (which it is) and then finding a job so she can get the teen career scholarship. Any job will do. Dance career I think it was.

As it was Saturday it was easy to make sure Donella was well rested before heading off to work.

Yeah, her normal CC hair apparently isn't compatible with her workwear.

I'm very proud of myself, this was actually the result of a chance card I got right.

Now for the second-last scholarship. This is going to be unpleasant.

"Donella, I've just made some Grilled Cheese, do you want some?"

"No thanks Komei, I fancy some of that cake outside."

She took a grab at it....

... and was eaten right away. Just like her "dad".

Aww I know, I'm sorry Jock, she will only be dead for a moment.

There, that should give me the zombie scholarship. Off to the computer to check.

What?! Wha.. how..? NOOOOOOO!!! Not all her hard earned scholarships!?!

Agh! How could I have been so stupid. I had forgotten that turning zombie causes loss in skill points. Ugh, not fair!!

Thankfully thankfully Omarina had a whole load of eggplants in her inventory and to me it doesn't feel like cheating to restore Donella's skill points this way.

Now I will just have to wait for Donella's grades to go back up before I can take the last (and worst) step in getting that "All Scholarships" bonus.

In other news, Komei topped the second career. Good going Komei.

Goodbye Ray. *eyeroll*

Later there is yet another birthday to attend.

I'm rapidly running out of interesting captions for all these birthdays. :P

And Jock grows up in PJs which is just as well, his energy is way in the red.

Despite also being dressed in PJs, Heather is not feeling tired at all - in fact she feels like growing up.

Still stuff-her-with-muffins cute I think.

Heather rolled Pleasure/Popularity and her LTW is to become Captain Hero. Hm, she would have suited Family so much better.

Skill my kiddies, skill! *cracks whip*

Later that day it was time to grow up little Keith.

Yes Komei, Omarina's hotness is off the charts.

Well, there is no denying Keith's alien genetic ancestry.
Keith is a Virgo and his personality is 10/4/9/2/10.

As that went so well, Omarina thought she'd grow up Lennox right away too.

Or not.

A little while later though, Komei managed to grow him up.

But look at those chubby cheeks, they are certainly not Komei's. Shame that Komei's only human offspring should end up not looking like him at all.
Nevertheless, Lennox is cute, and that in spite of being a Scorpio 6/5/8/6/3.

Toddler skills pic for Keith - because I know how much you all love these.


Just before I bring this update to a close I would just like to say how much I love the toddler "Huggle" interaction.

All together now: "Awwwwwwww".

If you are at all interested in seeing the Bun family tree so far, then I have it ready for you right here.


"You and me, cube, we'll always have each other."

← Buns in the Oven: G - H

Buns in the Oven: M - N →

buns in the oven wyd

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