♪ : THE BACK HORN - Requiem
Lookit, that's me :DDDDDD
Figured I've never posted a pic of me before, which is pretty lame journal behaviour, so there you go. That's what I look like.
Except that I don't look that much like a boy, have that short hair [only on one side], and actually don't really look like that at all. Yes.
You get a slight idea of
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Comments 15
It's handy, and your charts looks sooo much prettier *-*
I don't like snowballwars.. Because.. uh.. people that bullied me liked to use it for an excuse to put snow in my clothes .___.;
But I'll have to keep thinking about it, and come up with some awesome solution eventually xD
Yeah. I kinda have those memories as well D: Like.. I was never bullied but I was always on the edge of being, y'know? So whenever snowballs were thrown near me I was terrified of them being at me, but they only were a few couple of times, thankfully ._.
I still associate them with bullying though..
I must do the same as misemono... it's pretty with japanese.
And thank you <3 :'D
Type them in, uh... every way possible at the same time! *not helping* Okay, that was only annoying to say. xD I better give up before I make a fool of myself. Hm.
Oh, I hate them, as well. I am totally with you on that point. Though, what I hate the most is when someone throws snowballs at you at school or something, just to spite you, and then laugh. oO; Seriously, that's just not nice. So I tend to walk long ways around people having snowball fights, just to avoid such a thing from happening. xD *rambling*
Anyway, hi. XD I miss talking to you on msn. I've been a bad, busy girl. I hope you are well and safe, though. ^-^ *pats head*
xD I actually think I'll have to do something like that.. Cause well.. I need it in romaji, cause I wanna understand, but it looks better in kana -__- I'll figure it out, eventually :3
Well.. yeah.. That's pretty much what I hate about them as well. I associate snowballs with those people and I find it really uhm.. obehagligt [I fail XD] even when those I know care for me and such throw them at me. It's kinda lame I guess, but I really hate it D:
I've been so busy too ;__; I've had so much schoolstuff lately, and when I've had free time I've never logged in to msn cause I always had so much other things to do .__. Hopefully we'll both be less busy soon, I know I will, so we can talk again :'3
xD It sounds like kind of a lot to have it like that, though. Hope you work it out in a good way. :B
Yeah, exactly. x3 Snowballs should be illegal to throw on people who do not like it, or... something. XD;;
*action-figure pose* We will have to try find the time to talk someday, then. ^-^v
Exactly. And while we're at it we could just illegalise snowballs in general. Y'know, so you'd never have to worry about them \o/
We will! I'll be online alot more this week, I hope. Or.. uh.. maybe not this week, but at least the week after that D: -kicks schoolwork-
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