Thanks for that. I might have to check them both out at some point when I get around to it.
Am I the only one with a "liberal" viewpoint that cringes at the sight of Moore doing another movie? He's like the Yin to O'Reilly's Yang. Two extremes who help stoke the fire, but don't really seem to add much else. As an instigator, he's flawless. As a finder of solutions, well, he leaves much to be desired. Two peas in a pod, far as I am concerned.
But thanks for the discourse. Aren't too many thinkers out there.
The one thing about Michael Moore that I simply do not understand is that he spends so much time going on about how corrupt government is, and yet his great solution to society's probelems is to, essentially, create a communist police state. It's this odd mentality that says, "government is corrupt because those in government seek power, therefore, if we give those in government all the power, they will cease to be corrupt." That really doesn't make any sense to me.
As for his films, he completely disregards all sense of truth and fairness, and instead manipulates and/or ignores the facts in order to support his own point of view on the issue. It's blatant propaganda.
Funny thing is, my dad's been saying that for years. As he puts it, the more you deal with the government, the more you should be happy the mail gets delivered every day. Which is really true, now that I'm a government contracter. I don't know what it is, but beuracracy sucks. Anybody who wants a look at federalized health care should look at the VA, see how wonderful it is, and be glad for privatized options. Federal health care only works for rich, small countries.
Comments 3
Am I the only one with a "liberal" viewpoint that cringes at the sight of Moore doing another movie? He's like the Yin to O'Reilly's Yang. Two extremes who help stoke the fire, but don't really seem to add much else. As an instigator, he's flawless. As a finder of solutions, well, he leaves much to be desired. Two peas in a pod, far as I am concerned.
But thanks for the discourse. Aren't too many thinkers out there.
As for his films, he completely disregards all sense of truth and fairness, and instead manipulates and/or ignores the facts in order to support his own point of view on the issue. It's blatant propaganda.
I found this article about Sicko written by, of all people, MTV's Kurt Loder, and it's actually pretty good:
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