And speaking of friends, their blogs are really worth checking out as well (with the maybe-exception of Kitty's, she seems to use it to just talk about how awesome she is). Especially if you want to keep up with McKinley gossip, because I can only keep track of so many cliques.
After the success of the Guilty Pleasures exercise while Mr. Schuester was out with the flu, I'm starting to think that it might be a good idea to bring back the idea of writing original songs for Regionals
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Originally posted by queenbeeq at Welcome to William McKinley High! Welcome to William McKinley! We are a Glee roleplay group and our storyline picks up from mid-season three onward. We recently decided to create character blogs here, where people can follow the inner thoughts of the characters as they make their way through high school, college, and all the
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