Jul 15, 2010 17:01
- 15:37 Why is the princess always in another castle? #DearWoot #
Jul 12, 2010 17:02
- 08:26 Why am I always playing cleanup for someone else's screw-up? #fb #
- 12:47 @ VerizonWireless Not this time, I'm waiting for the Storm3/4 #
Jul 06, 2010 17:01
- 12:14 The internet is dead, Long live the internet! #
- 13:24 @ thelastknowngod That's funny, is that with the os install from them? #
- 16:12 @ BBExaminer Wireless updating was added in 5.0 I believe, and has to be supported by the carrier also. #
- 17:13 @ grantimahara you should have the pdf catalogs on your phone/ebook reader. #
Jul 04, 2010 17:00
- 21:06 RT @BreakingNews: Man lighting fireworks blows off his arm at Long Island party; doctors try to reattach severed limb #
- 21:47 At the track listening to a father teach his young kids how the betting works. #fb #
- 22:45 I love the smell of pyrotechnics in the evening. #fb #
Jul 03, 2010 17:01
- 23:44 @ thecadgeek Next day doesn't include weekends or holidays. #
- 23:47 @ thecadgeek For multiple fillet (or any command) you can use the command multiple, automagicly repeates the command over and over. #
- 00:09 @ thecadgeek I remember that change, took a while to get used to it, FILLET could use the same but MULTIPLE is usable till then. #
Jun 30, 2010 17:01
- 23:32 @ steelthorn Thats a known problem in the latest release, go try the beta, supose to fix it. #
- 14:27 @ bbgeeks That captcha is pretty tricky. #