Yesterday, for the first time EVER, I fell asleep sitting work. I was just hanging at the desk and, next thing I know, I'm reading paperwork in my dream and not in real life (which I figured out once I woke up and realized everything I *thought* I'd read wasn't actually on the paper in front of me
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I feel like I have nothing to say. What's up with that? I'd post more if I had something to say. I have to figure out a 'theme'...something I can write about regularly to make myself actually...well, have something to talk about. Do I want to write all about writing (which I haven't even been doing, outside of academic stuff)? Do I want to
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We are all intellectually aware of Racism. We know that it exists and can cite numerous ways in which it happens both among people and within systems. For those of you who aren't white, middle class, and western-born, you have probably experienced it far more regularly than I have in the last ten years since I moved to the Midwest and became part
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I guess Joni Mitchell was don't know what you got 'til it's gone. I always enjoyed writing, and I did it all the time in the past. Mostly because I had gads of free time and that's the first thing I did to fill it (alas! "Free time", where have you gone
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So, Alex was just dipping the baby upside down then back up again (you know, playing a game with him). As he dipped the baby backward, the baby came much closer to me, and he said, "Hello, Mama
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Um...I apparently haven't been on here for a few months. Time kinda flies, doesn't it? I know there have been a few times when I've been bored and sitting around (like now), so I don't know why I haven't been on Livejournal. Maybe I'll add that as a New Year's Resolution, "Look at LJ!" Things of note since September
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