My love for Star Wars and Darth Vader are no secret. My love for dark chocolate is also no secret. So with that all in mind, this seems to be tailor made for me
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Substandard, my arse!
March 31 2005, 17:10:24 UTC
M&Ms are GREAT! Is it on a par with Swiss boutique chocolte? No. So what? Who cares? They're fun and I find them to be quite tasty. No maligning the M&M, man! I think there are lots of other "substandard" items in the world more worthy of your scorn - say, NYC radio, or cheaply made zippers.
Of course there are many more items that deserve my scorn. But this post is about these M&Ms in particular. Perhaps I will make future posts about such things as the worst radio in the world (NYC) or cheaply made zippers. But right now I'm focusing on chocolate.
I am a chocolate snob, no doubt about it. And you really can't consider M&Ms to be in the same catgory with ANY of the fine chocolates. That makes them substandard. Of course, just because they're substandard doesn't mean that they're not enjoyable on some level. Hell, I eat hot dogs and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, and calling them substandard is generous. I eat them occasionally anyway. Sometimes you just want to slum it. And that's exactly what I'll be doing when I try these new M&Ms.
Actually, it is in many ways BETTER than boutique chocolate. Granted it loses in the quailty of chocolate, taste, and texture categories, but does swiss chocolate fails in the bite size, convenient packaging, and does it melt in your mouth or hands category. Those are like the technical awards at the Oscars...they're not as glamorous, but arguably more important
I have to take issue with M&Ms' claim that they don't melt in your hands. It's just untrue. If I have a bunch in my hand for any longer than 30 seconds, they leave their colorful little marks. Yes, technically the chocolate isn't melting, but the candy coating certainly is.
M&Ms - just like nasty fat hobbitses. Tricksy. False. Gollum. Gollum.
Comments 6
I am a chocolate snob, no doubt about it. And you really can't consider M&Ms to be in the same catgory with ANY of the fine chocolates. That makes them substandard. Of course, just because they're substandard doesn't mean that they're not enjoyable on some level. Hell, I eat hot dogs and Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, and calling them substandard is generous. I eat them occasionally anyway. Sometimes you just want to slum it. And that's exactly what I'll be doing when I try these new M&Ms.
M&Ms - just like nasty fat hobbitses. Tricksy. False. Gollum. Gollum.
I like any kind, I'm not too picky.
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