So I've got a bit of time to kill while working in the mailroom, hopefully the mail doesn't come soon so I can continue getting paid $9 dollars an hour to write in my livejournal
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hey bronwyn, i don't know if you remember me , but my name's rose and I graduated from hudson around 2 or 3 years before you did. At any rate, Ill be down at SOA in two weeks and if your group would like to hook up with the allegheny college group down at fort benning it would be chill. I remember from meeting you that you were a very nice down-to-earth individual.
If you want to talk about plannning an SOA trip, or talk about it please call me at 814-282-7257.
If you don't remember me per se, just ask robin about me she'll fill you in brieflly.
mad love from back home.elephantitusNovember 11 2005, 21:04:14 UTC
Except I can't remember what happens in the dream".... makes sense. A bunch of my friends aRE going to SOA protest, that's awesome, good for you. I miss you even if you don't miss me and I'll send you winter warmth. I can't wait to see you for a week.. you have to stay at my house at least part of the time cuz Lee'll be staying with me. I want to sit by a fire with you, as always. <3 Julia
Comments 5
@)Your pluses totally outrank your minuses. That's kickass.
#)Oooohhhh sesssy dreeeammmm (sorry, being 12).
If you want to talk about plannning an SOA trip, or talk about it please call me at 814-282-7257.
If you don't remember me per se, just ask robin about me she'll fill you in brieflly.
See you in a week!
besos y abrazos,
(romes dumb.)
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