What program sows Whiskergill instead? Draftcap? You mean the picks where you pick whiskergill above it should've been Aethersnipe? Most people seem to have Aethersnipe work correctly. What resolution are you using? Can you grab screenshots from the MTGO_DraftCap\debugging directory that show Aethersnipe and then email them to me (via www.blargware.com site)?
The screenshot has some random giant asterisk symbol on it in place of the AE symbol. That's what is throwing DraftCap off. DraftCap ignores the garbage symbol and sees subsequent 'ther' and makes the most logical guess it can - Ethereal Whiskergill (one letter missing versus two). I can possibly try making it treat 'AE' as one letter, but it'd be better if you try to get MODO to not have that crazy cross symbol in place of AE. Let me know if you figure out what causes that. Had modo been running for a while? Are you sure you were on latest version at the time?
Comments 5
mouthorjoe: I don't have much 2 drops, thats why I play it.
Daveismyzero: I thought about the Douser, but at that moment I already had the Cairn Wanderer - so I had something to find it for me.
As well, it shoulda been the Douser over the Boggart Harbinger.
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