Ok. So. Here's something original. It's a little sparse as I was planning on going back in and dumping some six string riffs into it, but I decided to forego that and just deal with what I had.
Ok. So. I don't really count these as posts, how's that. Posts would be me telling you what's going on in my life, and right now I'm not doing that. So. I'll revise my earlier promise. From now on till the end of the year (a whole 2 days from now, more or less), all you get from me is these wretched mp3s of me. You did realize that those other
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Ok. Yeah. I'm sorry. I said things I shouldn't have said. I did things I shouldn't have done. I don't really hate you all. I need to think about things for a while. Maybe see you after the new year, if you are still around. I'm sorry.