I think I'm going to update this thing more often, with stuff other than angsty exgirlfriend and other friends crap. Less judging, condemning, questioning, wondering, seratonin lacking thoughts
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I hate when the problem is really simple, and you should just fucking tell the person, but instead it gets blamed on smaller, stupider things
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You are so full of contradictions. Little things you say you want, but don't want. Things you want, but don't say. Things that give you a thrill that are entirely opposite. I think you just like to bitch
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I loved you more then you'll ever know. I'm still not over, or repaired or fixed. I feel like an old, broken piece of machinery. Left in the grass to rot, and rust, and ruin. I know I wasn't perfect..But who is? You were more important to me than anything else.
I'm in such a shitty mood.. I'm really.. I don't know what to say. I don't know how they're handling it.. I'd be devastated. I can't even imagine such a thing. I hate painkillers.. I hate doctors that hand them out, or don't watch what they're doing.. Ugh. R.I.P. =/