Feb 08, 2019 00:09
Whereupon a plan is hatched to ignite one of the characters as a diversion.
Mar 08, 2018 08:22
823, and more work to get there than it should have been...
Jan 08, 2018 09:21
Just a reminder that today is day one of the current 90 day run. Pen to paper/Fingers to keyboard/Voice to dictation software; whatever method you use, get going.
Nov 05, 2015 22:52
Somehow, I mislearned the word occasion into "occassion" at some point way back when, and even though I know it's wrong, my muscle memory 9 times out of 10 puts the extra s in there. Ironically, I overuse the word to, instead of just using it occas...once in a while. Anyone else have an "always wrong" word?