Title: Stoned and Dethroned
Author: Munchie (
Type: Slash
Rating: R
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Archive: My LJ and
http://www.jamspaddedcell.co.uk Disclaimer: I do not own Stargate: Atlantis, I do not make any CLAIM to own Stargate: Atlantis or the characters therein. I do this for fun
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Comments 8
I will now take a step to the side and permit Al to corrupt you. *nods*
Munchie, this is brilliant! *g*
::applauds the Munchie!Muse::
I'm loving McKay right about now...
*performs heimlich*
Munchie, this is brilliant! *g*
Awww, ta. *blushes madly*
::applauds the Munchie!Muse::
It's the McKay!Muse though! It's all HIS fault! *thinks* No, it's AL'S fault!
I'm loving McKay right about now...
My fault or the Sky Mix repeat's fault? *crosses fingers and hopes for the Mix answer*
You're only one episode behind me then. :-)
Oh dear god, I think I woke the neighbours. Munchie, that was great. You are on song, m'dear.
*performs heimlich again* Y'know, when you lose the ability to type coherently - I know I've done something right. :-D
Oh dear god, I think I woke the neighbours. Munchie, that was great. You are on song, m'dear.
Apols to the neighbours. *giggle* Ta. :-) I think I'm more on crack than song though. Or this show's on crack and it's having a knock-on effect. O.o
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