Title: A Little Less Conversation (A Little More Lambrini) Fandom: Doctor Who Type: Drablet (219 words) Pairing: Ten/Donna Rating: PG (Or NC-17 if you're a wine snob)
Warnings: Humour.
Author's Notes: ALL cedara's FAULT! ALL HERS! EVERYTHING!! *wails* Also, unbetaed so grammar: Model's Own.
'Cause wildcard_sej reminded me about classical stuff and 'cause in the morning mumsie will really thank me for my heroic devotion to her ONE MOMENT of jailbait fangirlish dribbling.
That and l_s_q's still the Great Supplier of all the really GOOD Carl pics in the universe and skylark74's got U2 totally covered in the picspam line...
Title: Vent Author: Munchie (munchkinott) Type: General Rating: PG-13
Archive: my LJ, JAM's Padded Cell and Wraithbait Feedback: here if you're a listed friend or leave a comment at either JAM or Wraithbait.
Disclaimer: Still Stargate: Atlantis. Still not owning any of this. Still not making any money out of it. Still violating copyright but am too poor
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Disclaimer: I do not own Stargate: Atlantis, I do not make any CLAIM to own Stargate: Atlantis or the characters therein. I do this for fun
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