Classical Scorage

May 27, 2005 02:14

'Cause wildcard_sej reminded me about classical stuff and 'cause in the morning mumsie will really thank me for my heroic devotion to her ONE MOMENT of jailbait fangirlish dribbling.

That and l_s_q's still the Great Supplier of all the really GOOD Carl pics in the universe and skylark74's got U2 totally covered in the picspam line...

Annnnnnnnnnnd my personal favourite...

There endeth my first attempt at Musician!Spam. *takes a bow*

ETA: And a football quote from BBC:

Vladimir Smicer, Liverpool goalscorer:
The cup ended up with Stevie G in his room. His girlfriend wasn't here, so he had the cup in his bed instead.


Not. Going. There. IMPOSSIBLE amount of phonesex fics in there with Gerrard whispering huskily ''Ave you got the Brasso, Mikey?' down the line to Madrid.
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