Title: To Suspend All This Reality
Pairing/Characters: Castle/Beckett
Rating: PG
Summary: Kate thinks that she has never seen such a perfect sky.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, especially not the stolen dialogue.
A/N: I was trying something a little different with this and I have no idea if I suceeded, so please let me know if you have any clue what I was
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Comments 25
You've made a note earlier about something you were trying to do with this story? To me, it's a series of memories under the perfect sky? Perhaps the flash of stuff she sees as she's lapsing into semi-consciousness post gunshot?
It works as a collection of short memories, whether you intended to have those moments shown in retrospect or not, and it's gorgeously written. I especially love this bit:
Kate has a growing, terrible suspicion that if something were to happen to her it might ruin Castle. A suspicion borne of the abrupt knowledge of how she would feel if…. God. One of my fave bits of the entire season was the part where Castle thinks Beckett has been shot in 313, even when they are in the line of fire, on the floor of the cafe, and he checks beneath her jacket. I love that she's horrified, but equally pleased that he cares so much ( ... )
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