I'm so sick of my fucking life i want to start over. All i hear everyday is my mom bitching at me about what i don't do basically telling i've failed her again. I really think she hates me or didn't want me she makes me feel like i was a fucking mistake. Wheres the exit when you need it.
ok so this weekend was fun might i say. i stay the nite at des house hahah is all i have to say about that nite and moring.The rest i spent in my bed sleeping it was just wonderful.On friday des said "FUCK YOU" to me and it was awsome i know it ment i love u. anyways today is my only day off this week umm i think its time for a nap..
well everything has been going good. I got a job at Jamba Juice which I'm very happy about. I see that a lot of things are getting better which is awsome.....I can finally throw away the fake smile and wear my really one.