Title (of art): Pair Dadeni
murderdetectiveRating (for art): G
Pairing(s) (for art): Morgana/Vivian
Notes: For the
paperlegends bigbang challenge I got
afterandalasia's story, Pair Dadeni.
afterandalasia was a pleasure to work with. Her story is super cool. It's really quite interesting, I've been super excited about reading the finished piece! XD
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full size full size full size title (of fic): Pair Dadeni
afterandalasia rating: R
word count: 30k+
summary: Canon, post-S4. Found half-dead in the forests on the edge of Camelot, Morgana awakes instead in Essetir and held captive by King Olaf. He offers her a deal: he will let her live and go free, provided she lifts the years-old magic which still lives Vivian desperately in love with King Arthur of Camelot. Though at first disdainful, Morgana finds herself becoming caught up in the task. As she works, and recovers from her injuries, news starts to filter in: of strange beasts on the hills of Essetir, and disappearances into the darkness. She suspects from the beginning that it is magic, but does not voice her suspicions to Olaf until the danger is almost at the castle gate. The Cŵm Annŵn ride on the hills again, and Olaf fears that they are coming for Vivian. And somehow, Morgana finds herself wishing to defend this Kingdom, even if it means standing before the commander of the hellhounds herself. Oh, and Vivian's spell does get broken. Just not in the way that anyone expected.
Pair Dadeni masterpost