Title: Pair Dadeni
murderdetectivePairings/characters: Morgana/Vivian, one sided Arthur/Vivian as canon, background Arthur/Gwen, past Gwen/Morgana, past Morgana/Morgause
Rating: R
Word Count: ~41K
Warnings: Spoilers for all series. (
skip) Past character death as canon, violence, gore; dark magic; kidnap, captivity; mental illness, obsession and brainwashing as related to the spell placed on Vivian.
Summary: Canon, post-S4. Found half-dead in the forests on the edge of Camelot, Morgana awakes instead in Essetir and held captive by King Olaf. He offers her a deal: he will let her live and go free, provided she lifts the years-old magic which still lives Vivian desperately in love with King Arthur of Camelot. Though at first disdainful, Morgana finds herself becoming caught up in the task. As she works, and recovers from her injuries, news starts to filter in: of strange beasts on the hills of Essetir, and disappearances into the darkness. She suspects from the beginning that it is magic, but does not voice her suspicions to Olaf until the danger is almost at the castle gate. The Cŵm Annŵn ride on the hills again, and Olaf fears that they are coming for Vivian. And somehow, Morgana finds herself wishing to defend this Kingdom, even if it means standing before the commander of the hellhounds herself. Oh, and Vivian's spell does get broken. Just not in the way that anyone expected.
Author's notes: So, my first long story in Merlin fandom -- and my longest story to date. And it has been a total blast. This story came together in bits and pieces over the months, with various ideas and scenes coming to me all at different times.
First up, I want to thank
the_muppet for running such an amazing fest and comm single-handedly and with such style. I stand in awe of your remarkable skills. Secondly, my thanks to wonderful artist (and pinchhitter)
murderdetective for her beautiful, beautiful artwork which really helped me to pull together and finish this story. Finally, of course, a huge, huge thanks to
sophinisba for her beta work on the fic,
darkstar1991 for putting up with my incessant questions at strange hours of the day, and
tassosss for poking, cajoling and otherwise cheerleading me into keeping with this.
Big bangs are a really communal event, and I really hope that this post acknowledges that. For one name on the posts, there are many people behind it. Thank you all!
Artist's notes: See art masterpost.
Story link:
LJ Masterpost |
AO3Art link:
LJ MasterpostDisclaimer: I make no claim to the creative rights of, and make no profit from, this work.
AO3 |
Paper Legends |
LJ Masterpost Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 View/Download PDF