Recently, Twitter was trending #50thingsilove. Give us your list.
1. Having a room mate in-utero. I don't think he even snored.
2. Time apart from said room mate. He does my head in sometimes.
3. Grease. But just for the record, I hated Grease 2.
4. Harry Potter. I won't even make a comment about my brother being like Malfoy.
5. Singing and dancing, but shower singing is the best.
6. School work. I know, weird.
7. S'mores, especially overcooked ones.
8. Every Toy Story. Are we getting #4?
9. Wii Fit. You can exercise and not have people watch you making exercise faces.
10. Skinny dipping. Don't judge.
11. Kids!
12. Real tea out of a tea pot, when I have the time to make it.
13. Freshly baked cookies, if the dough makes it into the oven.
14. Amusement parks, but I'm not a fan of the Gravitron.
15. Animals. I would totally love to live on a farm or in a zoo one day.
16. Christmas presents and Christmas carols.
17. Star Wars, but I concur with the general consensus that you can't beat the originals.
18. Michael Jackson... I just wish it wasn't such a bone of contention right now.
19. Singing in the rain. Actualy singing, not the movie.
20. Romance. It does exist, right?
21. Monolopy. Without Sebastian.
22. McDonalds and Pizza Hut.
23. Staying up late looking at random crap on the net.
24. Playing Castleville on Facebook. Level 22, bitches!
25. Glee Club, even if we suck and got knocked out at Sectionals.
26. Stand-up comedy.
27. Watching comedian clips on You Tube, but not when you laugh so hard, you drool.
28. Dead Poets Society and Ghost, my favourite movies after Harry Potter and Star Wars.
29. Looking at old photos on rainy days.
30. Making snow angels.
31. Dorky Eighties movies like The Breakfast Club and Ferris Bueller.
32. Shampoo mohawks.
33. Shampoo bottle microphones.
34. How cool it looks to smoke a cigar, but I don't think I ever would do it myself.
35. Whiskers on kittens? Never did get that bit of the song, but I love the song!
36. Weeds and Supernatural, my favourite TV shows, but what the hell did the writers DO to SPN?
37. Bouncy castles!
38. When my brother tells me I'm cool. I think it's happened three and half times in my life.
39. Nana's homemade apple pie and ice cream.
40. Singing obnoxiously loud and dancing in my boxers when no one is home.
41. Chicken soup when I'm sick.
42. Cuddles and kisses.
43. Head massages, have you felt how much heaven they are?
44. Root beer floats, because yum!
45. Jelly Bellys.
46. Watching scary movies with the lights off.
47. Texting my friends when they're in the same room.
48. Reading inspirational quotes online when I'm feeling down.
49. Twister! Best. Game. Ever.
50. Being a twin... but not being mistaken for him sometimes.
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