Title: 10 Things That Didn't Happen In Tanz Der Vampire
slashydutchie Fandom: Tanz Der Vampire
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Exactly what the title says. Mostly slashy stuff.
A/N: In my mind, Steve Barton will forever be Graf von Krolock and Mate Kameras is Herbert. I don't really have any set actors for the others.
The product of watching WAY too much Tanz in a row awaits you... )
Comments 16
And you know, I've often wondered about 10.
What do you mean "too much Tanz der Vampire"? *confused* There's no such thing!
And yes, 10 has always been a bit of a speculation subject for me as well. Usually I settle for vampires being supernatural creatures and that explaining everything, but still.
Same goes for changing into a bat, yet when turning into a man again they're fully clothed... it just doesn't make sense.
And Twighlight! LOL Alfred's constantly nagging me to read that....
But I reckon Sarah will do ... only Alfred would be first prize :D Nobody actually wants to kill Alfred ... IMHO they do reconsider that friendship thing :D
And I've only seen Jan once in December... he was utter shit, not a real booster to go see him again. Not that I will anytime soon. From what I gathered he broke his leg, so he probably won't be on again for a while.
And totally... the count would be like "Well, you're not what I came for, but you've got a bloodstream and I'm hungry."
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