Title: A (Not So) Temporary Distraction
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Rating: PG-13/R
Spoilers (if any): 2x16
Warnings (if any): none
Word Count: 1094
Summary: Immediately following the second kiss, Kurt and Blaine continue to not rehearse for Regionals.
Notes: This is my first time writing Glee fic. Thank you
heartsasmagnets for beta'ing.
After their second kiss at the table - which got a little rough and Kurt had nearly fallen over backwards in his chair - he and Blaine had moved to one of the sofas in the lounge. )
Comments 15
I do love offended!Warblers. I will never not find "you mock us, sir!" outrageously funny.
Hehe! I love the idea of the Warblers taking bets on when they'd get together without either Kurt or Blaine knowing about it! Haha!
What a yummy make-out fic. Thank you!
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