→ Yoochun likes cleaning | PG13 | yunho/yoochun + junsu/jaejoong!hint → chaptered (3/3) COMPLETE → Yoochun fell too fast. It didn't occur to him that the man who captured his heart, was a slob.
→ Yoochun likes cleaning | R | yunho/yoochun + junsu/jaejoong!hint → chaptered (2/3) → Yoochun fell too fast. It didn't occur to him that the man who captured his heart, was a slob.
→ yoochun likes cleaning | PG13 | yunho/yoochun + junsu/jaejoong!hint → chaptered (1/3) → Yoochun fell too fast. It didn't occur to him that the man who captured his heart, was a slob. (for paprika) → you can also read this in Russian, translated by the lovely lamerk (( here ))
→ pony-tail | R | yunho/yoochun | 632wc → yunho likes yoochun's new hairstyle a little too much. → inspired by this video → you can also read this in Spanish, translated by the lovely sheiho23_5 (( here ))