Spring is here, it seems. Yesterday I didn't put the heating on at all, which was rather nice. I wonder if I'll manage that today?
I've applied for a ticket for the special Thank-you-to-Llandaf screening of the new Dr Who. No guarantees that I'll get one but as they're offering up to five per household, I'll be really pissed off if I don't get
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Comments 6
The US school system confuses the hell out of me....!
And I'm glad I'm not the only one confused!
Xander mentioned something about Giles would be sorry that school was only for 12 years - including 6th form, isn't it 13 years?
I'd be on the bus to school by 7:10-ish AM, and my high school let out at 2:15pm.
A pep rally, argh. Get together and pretend to be excited about some upcoming sporting event. The athlete social group would strut around. Cheerleaders (aka Cordy's social group) would do their thing. The high school band might play. Freaks (Xander's social group) and geeks (Willow's) will sit back in the bleachers in the school gym and snark at the goings-on. The teachers, unless forced to ride herd, will refuge in the teacher's lounge for a smoke and a cup of the most foul coffee ever.
Caveat: my American high school experience happened nearly 20 years before Buffy's.
When I was in high school we began at 7:50 and finished at 2:20. Lots of us had after school jobs, so maybe that's why. And my high school was 3 years, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade (7, 8, & 9 were junior high), but that does vary here.
American schools are variable, partly based on the size of the school district. When I was in school back in the Dark Ages, Grades 1-7 (ages approx. 6-12) were elementary school, 8th grade was held at the high school building but did not involve changing classes, and grades 9-12 (or freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)were considered high school. Another pattern groups 1-5, 6-8, and 9-12; there can be other ways to divide them too. All very confusing.
Good luck on your Doctor Who tickets!
A 'Pep Rally' is a Satanic ritual that... no, that was only my impression at the time. Pep rallies exist to pump up enthusiasm for a major school sporting event. It usually involves cheering, sometimes with the involvement of the band, and a great deal of forced school spirit.
Many U.S. High Schools start at 7:30 AM and "finish" at 2:30 PM, followed by various activities such as play rehearsals, sports practices, homework, chess club, detention, working at some fast food establishment, etc.
The fuss over dating a senior is not a matter of age, it's a matter of status. Seniors are at the top of the rung, status-wise. Dating below that is -- what was the term you used? 'Infra dig?'
But High School isn't supposed to make sense.
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