Starting over from my Quizilla account. Title: Waiting for the Sun
Characters: Jasper Whitlock/OC
Rating: G - PG-13
Jasper, like many of the others, would have never wished for this numb existence. But seeing as how there was no cure for immortality, he learned that he could lead a relatively normal life as long as he kept his distance. However, distance eventually grew into loneliness, and loneliness eventually turned into isolation - no matter who he was around. It never occurred to him that maybe this was not how his heart was supposed to function... until a human girl showed up. She was his true fate, even though their days were numbered.
1 - Jasper's Prologue 2 - A Human Girl 3 - Mr. Hale 4 - She Remembered 5 - Safe Space 6 - My Name 7 - Life's for the Living 8 - Lover, Find Your Cover 9 - Blueprint 10 - Into the Woods 11 - One Hundred Fifty Years