Yes, in 12 E-Z Steps, you too can become a lost and confused mess, just like this young lady. Simply follow my 12-step program to utter confusion and attempted self-discovery. I know you won't be disappointed!
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Comments 23
I barely knew you before this, now I have some understanding.
I only have one bit of advice.
Quit hating life. Quit hating in general. (except for people who kill kittens)
Always remember that things could be worse. Always remember that you could have been stuck in a chair for the rest of your life. Always remember that. Your life will start to look a lot better.
Surely some of these kind LiveJournal folks may be able to provide some sort of perspective for you to figure out what you want to do.
What is it with everyone's problem with the word "Hate." Would we be more comfortable substituting "Painfully Dislike" or the flat "Feel bad about?"
Sorry, I simply am not understanding the problem with "Hate." Just like love, it is an emotion that we have all felt, no matter how bigger than that we are. Face it, we have all hated something. Even if it was for a split second before our minds kicked in and said "we don't have to hate it, let's just not like it ( ... )
Let's hope I find it, eh? :)
Despite everything that has happened with you in the past, and the issues you have currently, you've found yourself a hell of a tool, and I wish you the best when it comes to pulling back the layers.
I've also heard that they pay dick at H&H, they work their people to death, and the turnover rate is positively..gruesome.
And, while we are on the subject, H&H pays less than dick -- Most people there would be happy if they received dick.
They work their people to death during the "busy season," which happens to be October to January, then cut your hours in half during the slow season. So you might have a full time job at one point, but then it turns into a part-time the rest of the year. If you are counting on full-time money, this simply sucks.
And anyone with any talent, future or self-respect would have to go at some point. Hopefully sooner as opposed to later.
Just my two bits!
When I went for the interview, they really didn't tell me much about the job. They just had me set down for a test to see if I actually knew what I claimed to know and then called a few days later to see if I wanted the job. We needed the money, so I took it.
And peg2 and I have talked about H&H on several occasions (usually over some sort of alcoholic product and cigarettes) and I don't believe he mentioned having worked there to me. However, like you said, he has to have some sort of record for jobs held:)
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