Title: That One Wish
Genre: Fantasy, Drama
Rating: P-13
Total Word Count: 2,078
word count: 415
part 1 /
part 2 /
part 3 Rish's life is close to perfect.
She has a loving family, namely her mom,dad, older brother and younger sister. They are quite rich, but the family upholds a humble persona.
She has also friends that are tried and tested for years during hot or cold days and one of them is even her current boyfriend.
And most importantly, she also has a guardian angel she only sees. Stephen, as ordered by God, has kept Rish from all types of harm. In return, she often has asked him for advice, and he has answered her according to God's will.
God became pleased with Rish and told Stephen that he will grant one wish for her.
Stephen is happy with the fact God was testing Rish's heart. His ward is very special.
That day, Rish came home from a group date with Yur, her boyfriend and a couple more of her friends and their partners. She feels very fulfilled hanging out with the people she loves the most. She went into her room and found Stephen sitting on a chair beside her study area.
"Hi, and I have good news for you!" he greeted happily. He was wearing normal clothes, but all white, and a halo. His wings are tucked since they are too big for Rish's room.
Rish immediately locked her room just to make people knock before they knock and her room is soundproof.
"Tell it" Rish said gleefully.
"God wants to give you a wish. What do you want?" Stephen said, while waiting for an answer. He knew she will give a good response.
"I won't use my wish yet I might save it but I think it is better not to use it." Rish bravely responded.
"Why is that Rish? God actually ordered to ask you what you want." He asked, as he was surprised Rish could say that.
"Wish for more wishes or something material will only make my heart greed. Wishing for things to be always like this will lessen the thrill of life. Praying in order for all obstacles to be easier will make me feel better than requesting for the obstacles to be removed. I prefer to learn from mistakes of the past." She explained. After that explanation, Stephen was in awe.
"Good point. I guess I should forward that speech to Him. I'll see you tomorrow then." And Stephen opened the window and flew away.
Good timing that her older brother knocked on her door as he left.
-to part 3