Ed and Hank
Very, Very, Very Short Interlude:
Sunday Night
Does your dawg bite?
By myeyesaintblue
Disclaimer: I know somewhere out there is a guy named Ed and a guy named Hank who at some point in their lives met the amazing Ms. Proulx and told them their story. Well, at least Hank did. Jack and Ennis belong entirely to Ms. Proulx. Technically, so do Ed and Hank. Still making millions.
Feedback: Always appreciated.
Thanks to
deviant_dev 's comment
on my previous post for the inspiration!
Part 1 is here:
http://myeyesaintblue.livejournal.com/456.html Part 2 is here:
http://myeyesaintblue.livejournal.com/698.htmlPart 3 is here:
http://myeyesaintblue.livejournal.com/897.htmlPart 4 is here:
http://myeyesaintblue.livejournal.com/1101.htmlPart 5 is here:
http://myeyesaintblue.livejournal.com/1339.html Links to all other parts and assorted interludes, postcards, etc, are here:
http://myeyesaintblue.livejournal.com/10082.html Sunday Night
“Ya wake?”
“Hmmm? Yeah.”
“M’arm’s ‘sleep. Yer layin’ on it funny.”
“Wan’ TV on or off?”
“Off. S’all crap anyway.”
“Can’t find the remote.”
“This it? Or ya jus’ happy ta see me?”
“Alarm set?”
“Got a lot ta do tomorrow?”
“Not so much.”
“Wouldya get the light, m’arms still ‘sleep.”
“Love ya.”
“Love you too.”
“Jeez! Ya feelin’ okay? Wha’d ya eat ta day?”
“Weren’t me. Must ‘a been the dog.”
“We ain’t got a dog.”
“We should get a dog.”
“Sure do miss Stella. Cain’t replace Stella.”
“Wouldn’ be a replacement. Be an entirely diff'rent dog altogether.”
“Always got a kick out a callin’ fer tha’ dog. Stella! Stella!!”
“Think she thought you were nuts.”
“Sure do miss tha’ dog.”
“Yeah. She were a good dog.”
“Love ya, dumbass.”
“Love you too, dumbass. C’mere.”