Title: Four times Myfanwy saved the day, and one time she didn't. Rating: PG-15 Genre: Angst, humour Warnings: References to Fragments, Cyberwoman, The Stolen Earth Summary: There's more than five people on the Torchwood team
Title: Concentric Circles Pairing: Jack/Ianto Rating: PG Genre: Gen Warnings/Spoilers: None Summary: There is something wrong with Myfanwy, but Jack can't figure out what it is.
Title: The 5 Times Myfanwy ignored the BBQ sauce rule and the 1 time she didn’t. Pairing: None Rating: G Genre: Character study Warnings/Spoilers: Up to S01E05. Not beta checked. Summary: Myfanwy knows she should only eat things with her special sauce on them but sometimes temptation is too delicious.
Title: Good Ideas Pairing: none Rating: pg-13 Genre: humor Warnings/Spoilers: cleverness, a little naked hide and seek. Summary: Jack is full of good ideas. He’s not the only one.